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Alesis Qs8 problem


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This is for Dave or anyone else who knows. I've been using my Alesis Qs8 quite happilly for the last couple of years, however lately I've had a couple of problems that have bothered me.

I have it set up multi-timberly to work with Sonar. ( Been using it with cubase and cakewalk in the past) however since using it with Sonar I've noticed certain channels have been responding funny,i.e. Channel 1 has a bit more reverb and volume variance when when an instrument(sound) is played through it than when the same instrument is played through another channel. Channel three seems to distort instrument sounds or seems to play combinations of sounds.

I've tried the reference manual as much as possible ( I personally think it was written WAY too technically) and just checking wires etc.

I LOVE this keyboard and don't want to set it out to pasture.

If anyone could help I really appreciate it.

GREAT forum!!!!


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I have a QS8 and I am not and expert at it. I mostly play guitar. But, I use Protools 001 and I think that maybe you are sending midi volume to it on a particular track or some other midi message perhaps without knowing. I use the Mac so I don't know Sonar. The QS8 is a little confusing to use with the effects though. I love the piano in it. It's way better than my Korg.


Anyways, maybe it's something to do with midi if it works in one channel and not the other. Or, maybe it's some setting in the keyboard you are not aware of. I haven't had too many problems using mine with Protools though.


Good luck!

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Thanks Bigglesworth,

Yes, your idea may be correct. After I received your post back I went back to the reference manual but haven't found any hints on checking for these problems. Maybe someone else has had this problem also

Thanks again!! I appreciated your quick reply.


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Originally posted by Driftwood:

This is for Dave or anyone else who knows. I've been using my Alesis Qs8 quite happilly for the last couple of years, however lately I've had a couple of problems that have bothered me.

You should be able to cut down the possibilities with a little work.


Start by reinitailizing the QS8. If the problem continues, try sending the same midi events from a different sampler and see if the problem goes away. Perhaps you can record the midi out from the program and see if it is sending anything unexpected, by way of midi data. I have a QS8 so if I can help, let me know (I don't have Sonar though) You might be able to export a standard midi file from sonar and play it using a midi player and see if you get the same problem. In that case you could ship me the file and I could try it here.

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The problem you're describing is probably effects-based. In QS's Mix Mode it can be easy to get lost in the effects section, and inadvertently send too much signal from one of the Programs.


To summarize: each Mix uses the effects patch of the program on one of its Channels. (You can find out which channel by going into Mix Edit Effects mode (Mix Edit + 80) and going to Page 2, "FX MIDI CHAN". If you're sequencing, and send a patch change message on that channel, the effects will change for ALL the channels. If you have high FX SEND levels on other channels, it can distort the effect.


The easiest fix is to never change the program doing the effect, and design an effect setup that works for general sequence work and leave it alone. Otherwise, all of a sudden Channel 4 that's supposed to be feeding a Leslie will be feeding a hall reverb or something.


A more complete fix is to go into Mix Edit Level mode (60), the FX Level (page 5) and adjust the send level for each channel individually. On page 6 you can assign which of the 4 effect busses that channel is feeding.


Sorry the manual is so technical, but the effects side of the QS is very deep anyway (there's no way to visualize what's going on in an effect without seeing the Configuration maps in the manual, because of the limited 2x16 LCD interface). Add to that the fact that 16 Programs in a Mix can be feeding any of four different effects busses (or even multiple busses at once if the buss is set to "PROG"), and this is the most complicated part of the instrument. But, very rewarding if you really get into it.


Dan Tinen

Way Too Technical Guy

Proud QS8 Owner

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Thanks Dan!

Great info. I'm sitting down this afternoon to reintialize the keyboard and go through some steps in checking/learning more portins of the keyboard.

Everybody's suggestions have been wonderful. I don't really have a technical bend or background so even sometimes very simple suggestions have given me a world of insight. ( That, and my extremely busy work schedule doesn't allow me play time to really sit and go indepth on a lot of my equipment. Ahh to be young again!)

Thanks for sharing you're talents and suggestions!

I REALLY appreciate them!


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