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Trying to locate a specific book on technique


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I'm trying to locate a very obscure book of technical exercises written 70 or 80 years ago. I've checked out a few online sites, but the sites I have visited don't seem to have much beyond Hanon and Czerny. Does anyone know of a website or store worth trying?


I had a teacher many years ago who turned me onto these exercises, giving them to me as photocopied pages (she was a student of the author and had his ok to make copies). Though I kept everything she gave me, I never actually saw the cover of the book itself, so my knowledge of both author and title is sketchy (and my teacher passed on many years ago.) On the off chance that someone out there actually knows the book and can help me flesh out the author/title, it's called something like "The New Way of Piano Technique" (I am sure it has the words "New Way" in it.) The author was Canadian, and his last name was Woodhouse I think. (Definitely started with "Wood"; not 100% sure about the "house" part.) Ring any bells?



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