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The B-3 wanna be´s


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I own an old Korg Cx-3 and a Hammoond XB-2 with my LEslie 822 and my Leslie simulation pedal Tone Works G9.


I need a double manual organ, with a very nice LEslie simulator, but I live in MExico and here there´s nathing in the stores, so I can´t try each keyboard.


Until now, I just know about 3 double manual organs:


-Korg BX-3, Looks very nice, and maybe is the best option.

-Roland vK-77. VEry expensive, but with a Leslie connector, and plus more sounds like pianos and strings. Also the PK-7 pedalboard is very nice.

-Oberheim OB-5 Maybe the cheapest, bot I don´t know where can I buy it, and if the sound is really good enough.


(Why Hammond-Suzuki doesn´t have a double manual combo organ?) :confused:


So, please, help me to decide myself. I need more information and prices, about the 3 of them. And of course, I want to know wich is the best in:


-leslie simmulation

-Nice look and feel of the B-3




Thank You very much

I really aprecciate your advices



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Your easiest solution is to stack your XB2 on top of the CX3 and then you have 2 manuals and 2 sets of drawbars. That's what I would do in your situation. Each of these clones has strengths and weaknesses and the combination of both would give you a unique sound palette.


Plus, carting the 2 separate clones is probably easier than moving one large double manual beast.


You are right, the double manuals are pretty scarce. Korg's old school BX3 is pretty good but hard to find. They have a new one coming soon, but it will be up there in price. Hammond made the XB5 back in the mid 90s and these are on the used market from time to time. Then there is the XB3 which is a pretty full-fledged B3 copy (minus tonewheels).


The Roland VK77 is a pretty good one as well, and prices are coming down. Check this site for a good deal:


Roland VK-77 (refurb) $2,499.00 at synthony.com



Good luck.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for your advice, but is not good enough.


Of course I´ve been used bouth keyboards, but my old Korg CX-3 has been some problems, and I don´t know how can I repair it, also I need a good stand for booth manuals and also is difficult to control the expression pedal for the 2 organs. My XB-2 has been working good, but I thing that I need something better, with a built-in good Leslie effect and with better keys.


Let me ask you the question again:


I want to get a double manual organ, and I wanna know what is the good option, between:

-the brand new Korg CX-3

-Roland Vk-77

-Oberheim OB-5


So, please tell me what do you think is the best option, of course what I´m looking for is the best and new portable version of a B-3, with a good sound, nice feel and Look, good Leslie simmulation, and portable enough.


Which one do you recommend?

Thanks for your Help



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See the 90/50 rule posted under another thread....


On that basis, the OB5 (if you can get it) seems the way to go. JMO of course - Good luck!


Originally posted by Omar:

Thanks for your advice, but is not good enough.


Let me ask you the question again:


I want to get a double manual organ, and I wanna know what is the good option, between:

-the brand new Korg CX-3

-Roland Vk-77

-Oberheim OB-5


So, please tell me what do you think is the best option, of course what I´m looking for is the best and new portable version of a B-3, with a good sound, nice feel and Look, good Leslie simmulation, and portable enough.


Which one do you recommend?

Thanks for your Help



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If you don't want to leverage your current rig and money is no option, wait for the new BX3. It looks to be the cream of the crop. I hear it will retail for $3995 so that makes the street price around $3k until it has been out for awhile. Then it might drop into the $2600 region, consistent with the way the CX3 prices were recently adjusted down.


Good luck.

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If you need pedals and a leslie output the VK-77 is a better bet than the forthcoming BX-3. Not so sure about the Oberheim - there is some debate over build quality (a fantastic bollocking from one of the members of the hamster mailing list - see www.zeni.net archives) and possibly support.



VK-7,'66 C3, 01W


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