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modifying patches for each venue?


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I am curious how others deal with the problem of every venue making your patches sound totally different on your stage monitor.


Some places they sound just like they do at home through headphones. Other places everything is muddy on stage, but I have no idea how they are actually coming out the main PA.


The biggest problem is with Hammond settings. One night I'll have my leslie sim settings dialed in perfectly, and the next night it just sounds like crap on stage. God knows if its just the small stage doing that and its coming out the main PA as intended.


I tend to create synth patches that are pretty dry, and rely on FOH to add necessary reverb, delay, etc. I can't always adhere to this since we don't always have a regular sound man, and must rely on a stranger running sound for that night who has no idea what I want my patches to sound like.


So as for keyboard effects. add them on the synth, or trust FOH?



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I think the only real solution is that your band buys your own PA system with live mixer, PA, loudspeakers, monitor system, etc...


Maybe this sounds like a joke, but from my limited experience sounds like the only real solution. I dont think that keyboard player, or any other musician (esspecially drumers and percoussionists) in big bands with their own complete setups (like U2, Rolling Stones, etc) have this mutual problem.


Before you hit big monney and buy your own stuff, the best you can do is to have a few different banks with same patches that you can modify for particular conditions (like effects, filters, mono-stereo, etc)


It`s not much, but is the best I can give as advice, sence I`dont have touring experience under my belt.



Fat But Fast
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I'm kind of the reverse: I want my own effects, but I let the sound man EQ my keyboards.


I have a master keyboard and two or three modules when I'm on stage, so reprogramming my sounds would be impossible. Plus, I bring a mixer, so I feed the house a stereo pair. This way, the FOH man can adjust the global EQ quickly if necessary; I have to trust him.


On the contrary, I program my sounds with effects, and I want them intact. They're part of the sound. I just keep myself on the dry side when I program them; at home it's easy to go overboard. On a couple of occasions, I played in places so reverberant, I had to shut off the reverb on my main synth completely. But that's very rare. I know this is not a perfect system, but it worked for me during the last five years.


Anyway, here's a trick I learned many years ago: I prepare a sequence that goes thru all the main sounds I have to play. During sounchecks, I start it and let it loop, then I go to the FOH so I can give the sound man some advice about the sound I want. Just keep it polite.... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif



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Originally posted by marino:

Anyway, here's a trick I learned many years ago: I prepare a sequence that goes thru all the main sounds I have to play. During sounchecks, I start it and let it loop, then I go to the FOH so I can give the sound man some advice about the sound I want. Just keep it polite.... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif





man. WHY didn't I think of that??? DOH!


We do own our own PA, but have lost our dedicated sound guy. We have been relying on hiring several different ones to carry us through until we can find another dedicated guy of our own.


This sequence idea is gonna be the end of a LOT of my worry-warting. It has always disturbed me that I literally have NEVER heard my sounds played through our own PA. From now on, sound check will consist of me launching a sequence to run through all patches on all boards, and going out front to listen.


THIS is why this forum rocks - you can learn a ton from those who have been down the same road. (well, except how to actually PLAY these contraptions) http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif




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Originally posted by b3fiend:

man. WHY didn't I think of that??? DOH!





Actually, it wasn't my idea: Someone pointed it to me a while ago.

I even prepared a few patterns to be played toghether with the rest of the guys, so I could hear it in context...

Now, drummers CAN'T do that, right? http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif



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