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Max Ventura

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I got this used Trinity basic version, a couple of weeks ago. I'd like to keep it as some of the sounds I found in there are simply excellent and the keys action is just what I like. That's just about all I like about it.

However, I am witnessing the stupidest OS I've ever seen in a keyboard (I've seen a few), and I find it impossible to work with expecially because of an unfriendly interface (the touchscreen is much slower and goofier to respond than any soft-button in other keyboards). The manual is also very unfriendly. I think I got around it pretty much but Im not crazy at all the way it's laid out (the keyboard, I mean).

-First of all, are there really only about 128 programs and combis? is that it, in the basic version?

-Second, is there a way to KEEP the programs/combis organized by categories, without having to revert to that scrolling procedure each time? (it won't stay by categories, it'll always revert to default).

-Thirdly, what about the immediate Octave up/octave down transpose function, the arpeggiator (if any) and the Midi Filter? I could see none.


Max Ventura, Italy.
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