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How do I create a "speaker-megaphone-effect"?


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I want make a voice sound like a speaker-voice at a football-stadium. I've already tried compression together with reverb and EQ, but there is something missing. I think I need a pitch or flanging-effect.


Any ideas?.



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Take out the lows completely and the highs too. Boost the mids and stick some sort of slapback echo / delay on it to simulate the sound bouncing around a huge stadium. A TINY bit of hall reverb might help smooth it out a little but the traditional reverb sound is NOT what you're looking for. You want to clearly hear the sound BOUNCING off distant stadium walls which is why the delay is better. You'll have to experiment with delay time and repetitions to get an ambient sound you like. You might try 2 or 3 reverberations seperated by 200 ms or so which diminish in volume followed by a 4th one at around .5 sec which is louder, and then maybe a few quick ones after that. That way you get a few little reverberations before you hear the voice slap off the far 'wall' of your 'stadium' and then a couple 'trail off' reverberations at the end as the 'slapback' continues to echo through the stands.

Another way of simulating the feeling of a huge stadium is to make sure you mix it fairly low compared to other stadium noises. Don't put it upfront, it will ruin any illusion of "space".


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I usually start by cutting -18 dB of low shelving EQ starting at around 500 or 800 Hz. You can also roll out the highs a bit and try a narrow bandwidth boost around 1-3 kHz. You might add a bit of distortion. Then delay and reverb to finish out the effect. This also work on telephone voices and Britney Spears "Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah" vocals.
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