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is getting both the Virus and CS6r a waiste of $$$ ???


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i own a Virus TDM ( for my ProTools system ). I REALLY like this synth and since i'm doing some live gigs soon ( dance/techno/r&B) and obviously i can't take the Protools on the road with me, i plan to get a Virus b and also a CS6R...is buying a CS6r AND a Virus b a waiste since they are similar synth.

As for the general meat and potato sounds, i plan to get either a Proteus 2000 or an XV5080. What do you synth expert think of these choices ?? Thanks

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Just because the CS6R/X and the Virus are both targeted (loosely) at the electronica/dance music community, doesn't mean they are similar at all. I'm sure you recognize how different the tone generating procedures are on these synths: they both use subtractive synthesis, but on the virus it's done using high speed DSP chips and software that models the behavior of analog components. On the CS6R none of that applies, it uses sample-playback combined with multimode filters and also has some user phrase sampling.


That's the technical side of things. But really, in order to tell if they are too similar for your tastes, you should go try them out. The CS6R is unabashedly trying to emulate analog-style sounds, so it may be that you find similar patches on it to what you're used to on the Virus. But its drums are far more realistic (since they're sampled) and it has some non-dance sounds (piano, strings, etc.) that make it a bit more useful.


I actually think it's a great combination, one that I wouldn't have originially thought of.

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I think that having both these synths isn't a waste at all. I personally own a Virus Indigo and a CS6x, and they are a great combination since they give a great colour palette. I make live gigs as well, and the results are great.Especially when I play the Indigo, the people try to understand where that sound is coming from. Listen to the Indigo as well, because a fellow producer of mine, told me that the Indigo has more tight sound than the Virus b. I don't know if this is true since I didn't listen to the Virus b, but I trusted him and bought the Indigo without having listen to ti first. And it was an excellent choice.


Mr Sexton

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The Access Virus Indigo and Virus b run the same OS and have the same hardware in terms of the sound engine. The only differences are the shiny case, keys, and price.
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