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Integrating a Nord Modular with a Mac

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Hello everybody :


I am planning to buy a Clavia Nord Modular and an Emagic AMT8 Midi interface to edit and sequence the Clavia from a Power Mac 6500, and I would like to check the following points :


1- can the AMT 8 midi interface be linked on the serial port of a Power Mac 6500? (I don't have USB, I don't need SMPTE).


2- is anybody aware of any compatibility issue with a system based on a Power Mac 6500/128MB/OS9, Cubase 4.1, Clavia Nord Modular and Emagic AMT8?


Thanx for the help!!!



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The only issue I am aware of is that Clavia recommends using a completely separate interface for editing the modular. Because the data sent between the the computer and the modular while editing is so substantial, it can interfere with note data. (even a multi-port device like the Emagic one).


So it may be a good think to keep a cheap soundblaster card etc. (with midi) for connecting the editing (midi) ports of the Nord.


There is more on this at the Clavia web site, I believe.








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Jerry is right that you need two bidirectional MIDI connections between the computer and the modular -- but that's only during programming sessions. I have used a Nord Modular successfully on a PC by connecting it to both outputs of a single Opcode MIDI Translator/PC, which is not the fastest or smartest interface on the planet.


I can't imagine the AMT 8 would choke in this scenario. Note-on messages might be delayed slightly, but so what? It's a programming session, not a performance.


Caveat: I have not tried the setup you're envisioning, so I can't actually promise it will work.


--Jim Aikin

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Thank you Jerry, Thank you Jim, for your reply :


Jerry you are right : Clavia recommends to use a separate midi interface to edit the Nord Modular (NM). They even say that it is best to have one computer to do the editing and another one for the sequencing, of course each plugged bidirectionally on 2 different midi I/O ports. Actually, that can be a good idea for those who want to give a second life to a (relatively) old computer, because the NM editing is not that computer demanding.


Jim, you are right to split programing from performing : à priori, I don't think there should be any compatibility issue because we are talking midi afterall, but for the sake of careness, I'm waiting for confirmation from both Emagic and Clavia (or aleast from the 1st who will want to answer!).



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