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Comparing Weighted Action KEYS On A Scale

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Here's an example of some criterion. On a scale of (1) to (10), we can rate Light (1) to Heavy (10) action and Loose/Quick (1) to Tight/Mushy (10)... that's not the same as light and heavy, and some may not agree with lumping Loose/Quick & Tight/Mushy on the same graph.... and maybe Amount of Sound Responsiveness from (1) to (10). Sound Responsiveness would be how "connected" the sound seems to the pressing of the key. For instance, when you play a key, its velocity is turned into MIDI data and then "sent" to the internal sound source (if it has internal sounds), and then the sound is played. You don't need to know the published specs, because it is actually a part of the "feel". The sound of some keyboards seems to be hardwired to the keys so that it seems as if MIDI processing is not even involved... play the key/play the sound. That would be a high Amount of Sound Responsiveness (10). Other keyboards may feel great in every other way, according to your subjective taste, but they seem to have a low Amount of Sound Responsiveness (1), where you play the note and there's a strange sense that the key "suggested" to the sound to go ahead and blow forth! You play the key and then it sounds... not instant.


Remember, no need to mention them all. This ain't school! We don't need no stinking badges!! But if we get a little info from everyone who has some opinions of various keyboards it might be helpful to recall when we try them for ourselves.


Here's some of my observations:


LIGHT to HEAVY Action Roland RD600 (7) - Alesis DG8 (4)


LOOSE/QUICK to TIGHT/MUSHY Yamaha S80 (3) - Roland RD600 (6)


Amount of SOUND RESPONSIVENESS Roland RD600 (5) - Yamaha S80 (8)


I could have put the S80 and the DG8 in all the examples like I did the RD600, but these are impressions. Don't work too hard. And if you want to just wrap it up quickly and just say the XYG-88 sucks out loud **or** the PJ4U is a slice of heaven, I won't be stoppin' ya. On your mark, get set, chop sticks!

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