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Kurzweil News Flash

Mike Martin

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Kurzweil Studio Level Synthesizers are recognized around the world by top musicians, composers and sound designers as the most powerful and superior sounding instruments available. These people can afford and purchase these fine instruments. Kurzweil has a long standing policy of not giving products away free for promotional use. However, many musicians long for but cannot afford the flagship K2600.


Kurzweil is now doing a promotion, drastically dropping the price for a limited time on the K2600 series making it affordable for ALL musicians who dream of these fine instruments.


Contact your Kurzweil dealer to find out about these savings.





This message has been edited by Mike Martin on 02-09-2001 at 05:00 PM

-Mike Martin



Mike Martin Photography Instagram Facebook

The Big Picture Photography Forum on Music Player Network


The opinions I post here are my own and do not represent the company I work for.

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Prices have been lower in Europe for some time. As far as I know this is a US only promotion.



Mike Martin


Kurzweil Music Systems


-Mike Martin



Mike Martin Photography Instagram Facebook

The Big Picture Photography Forum on Music Player Network


The opinions I post here are my own and do not represent the company I work for.

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"The most powerful and superior instruments available" ? They are great instruments but that's a pretty bold statement. Who's to say they are better than Roland, Korg, Yamaha, Nord, etc. ? I've played them all and I never came to that conclusion. Maybe I don't have the most powerful and superior ears available.
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I would tend to agree, what determines a best fit involves style and use. I have a kurz PC2X and I'm loving it, but its far from what I would consider the final word on keyboards/workstations. Here is a statment I made in another forum.


"The year was 1987, the piece of equipment was the Roland S50 sampler from 1987 to 1991 I must have co-written/produced about 12 albums using this as my primary keyboard workstation. It sounded great, had great onboard sequencing/editing software for its time, you just plugged your monitor into the rear and you were on your way. There still isnt a workstation on the market which gives you the flexibility of this animal, and since I have moved on, I haven't even came close to finding a replacement.

Give me a 88 note semi weighted Keyboard Sampler with a killer sound, 256 meg of sample ram, 24bit ADA converters, 8 balanced outputs, killer onboard sequencer/editing software, 15 gig IDE hadrdrive, resonant filters, and RGB or composite video outs, and I'd glady pay $8 to $10K for that puppy.

I fell that individuals who pay over $5K for a keyboard use it as a primary writing/production tool and the keyboards which are being put out today just are not cutting it in the areas of sequencer/editing software or visual interface."

Mike, my friends who bought there 2600XS for $7K are spitting mad. Oh well!!!!! I have another issue though. Mike, I feel that kurzweil is making a step in the right direction by updating their 16 bit sound rom used in the 2000/2500/2600's. But there are a few more changes we high end keyboard shoppers would like to see. For $8 to $10K, I shouldn't have to buy a PC and Logic or DP to do my sequencing, and secondly how difficult is it to provide us with some type of video output so we can really see what we are doing. I would appreciate you passing these suggestions on to your engineering department. I think with a couple of small changes like those listed above you could corner the market. By the way I love my PC2X.

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Kurzweil seriously needs to double the polyphony on the K/2600, or whatever model they come out with next in this synth series. But,

it scares me to think what they would charge for a product like this.

Don't they realize that if they dropped the prices to be competitive with

Korg, or Roland they could generate the same profit margins, or better.

Who know's how many potential buyers they scared away with their price structuring from recent years. Man I remember buying a K/2000RS back in 94'. It was a rack mount, & was still the most expensive thing in my studio other than my Mackie/32-8, & my Tascam/DA-88.


Quantum! C/O


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Mike wrote:

"Prices have been lower in Europe for some time. As far as I know this is a US only promotion"


Is'nt it funny, in this global time we all live in, that a company discriminate a hole part of the world with this peculiar price politics.

It is obvious that people in US are upset. Luckily for me, I live in Sweden and bought my K2500 with all rom boards and 32Mb for less than the "sellout" price in US for a K2500 without the boards.


To say something about them as synths: I belive that there are models with better sounds but for live gigs and using the "quick access" buttons is a killer for me. I have had all kinds of synths, from the beginning of the 80-ies with Roland SH-05 and Moogs to this day when I only use Kurzweil and I don't look for other synths anymore. But as someone said:

It depends on the music you are playing and how you like to perform it.






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Don't they realize that if they dropped the prices to be competitive with

Korg, or Roland they could generate the same profit margins, or better.


Thats what we just did!! The K2600X now costs less than a Triton ProX.




Mike Martin


Kurzweil Music Systems


-Mike Martin



Mike Martin Photography Instagram Facebook

The Big Picture Photography Forum on Music Player Network


The opinions I post here are my own and do not represent the company I work for.

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Can you elaborate on this deal a bit? I've talked to my local Kurzweil dealer, and they either don't know all the details, or they are being awfully quiet about the price cut.


Specifically, I would like to know the following:


1) Is the pricing fixed from dealer to dealer, or can they vary the price accordingly (ie, by absorbing the discount themselves)?


2) How long will it last? My dealer said it only applies to existing inventory?


Any clarification you can provide is appreciated. I think Kurzweil definitely needs to reduce prices and attack the middle market, and this looks like a good start. I just wish it would stay this way.


All the best,



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This pricing should be available from ALL Kurzweil dealers (here in the US). Yes this is a limited time offer, because price will likely go up slightly after the next OS release.

-Mike Martin



Mike Martin Photography Instagram Facebook

The Big Picture Photography Forum on Music Player Network


The opinions I post here are my own and do not represent the company I work for.

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Don't get angry at me, because I think your great! But that price better not go up too much higher our a lot of folks will be getting PC2X like I did or tritons. I'm still in the hunt for a 2600, but if you guys dont do some work on that onboard sequencer on the next OS, I'll be waiting untill the K3000 hits the market!!!!

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Can you clarify the length of time on this offer? One dealer told me March 31, 2001, and another told me that it only affects existing inventory (no new orders).


With income taxes right around the corner, I would like to delay this purchase a few weeks, but I certainly don't want to get left out in the cold.


If you can clarify how long Kurzweil intends to keep this deal, I would really appreciate it.


Thanks again,



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I don't have an exact date on the end of the promotion, because there really isn't one. We simply allocated a certain amount of inventory to be sold at this price. Once its gone, the price will go up with the release of the next.


Your dealer is incorrect about not being able to special inventory a K2600 for you at the new price. Have them contact their Kurzweil sales rep or me directly.

-Mike Martin



Mike Martin Photography Instagram Facebook

The Big Picture Photography Forum on Music Player Network


The opinions I post here are my own and do not represent the company I work for.

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Don't get angry at me, because I think your great! But that price better not go up too much higher our a lot of folks will be getting PC2X like I did or tritons. I'm still in the hunt for a 2600, but if you guys dont do some work on that onboard sequencer on the next OS....



The PC2X and K2600 are completely different instruments. I share your enthusiasm about the PC2 series, but I think might need to get to know the K2600 a little better. The PC2 definitely sounds better right out of the box, but in my opinion, the factory presets on the K2600 (with a few exceptions) don't begin to show what the instrument is capable of.


What exactly are you refering to on the K2600's sequencer?


This message has been edited by Mike Martin on 02-18-2001 at 12:28 PM

-Mike Martin



Mike Martin Photography Instagram Facebook

The Big Picture Photography Forum on Music Player Network


The opinions I post here are my own and do not represent the company I work for.

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Well the ability to do 32 channels of midi sequencing onboard, thats currently what I need, this would require an additional midi interface and I would estimate about 3 megs of pram to do everything that I would like to. Also, does the K series sequencers allow you to do pattern programing, and then connect individual patterns into complete songs? If not this is sorely needed. And lastly, does the K series sequncers implement a note start record feature, meaning you set the sequencer to record but it doesn't start recording(remains paused) until you play your first note? And lastly can edit each and every midi event, does you editor allow me to find a particular midi not and change channel, velocity, measure/beat, etc?


Thanks Mike


Thanks Carl

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I'll try and address each of your points one at a time.


Well the ability to do 32 channels of midi sequencing onboard, thats currently what I need, this would require an additional midi interface and I would estimate about 3 megs of pram to do everything that I would like to.


Each Track on the K2600 can be assigned to be an INTERNAL track (using K2600 voices), External (accessing another MIDI device) or both. So 32 independent tracks be accomplished without the need for an additional MIDI port.

PS - Why 3MB? How many songs do you need to have loaded in at once?? I don't believe I've ever seen a MIDI sequence that large before.


To answer all of your other questions:


YES it already does all of those things

-Mike Martin



Mike Martin Photography Instagram Facebook

The Big Picture Photography Forum on Music Player Network


The opinions I post here are my own and do not represent the company I work for.

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This sounds to me more like Kurzweil is finally realizing that nobody is buying this stupidly overpriced machine...so they have no other choice but drop the price.

Even with the new price, i personally, don't know what's the big deal about this machine...it's basically the same architecture as the K2000/K2500 with the FX board included and amongs a few other small improvements.

I think Kurzweil shot themselves in the foot by trying to play the game " it's VERY expensive, well then, it has to be good ", but i don't blame them for trying because most people judge by the price tag rather then with their ears. I have and still endorse different products over the years...and let me tell you...... if you guys know how much some of this equipment cost compare to the selling prices...well you'll fall on ass in a BIG way.

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A couple of quick comments.


I expect that you're refering to the advertisement in which the K2500 Audio Elite System was advertised for $20,000.00 with the heading "worth every penny". What no one seems to realize is that the CD-ROM library that was packaged with this system had a retail price of just over $12,000.00 The Audio Elite Series also had other benefits; not only did it come with all of the options, but it also had a dedicated tech support service, free soundware upgrades, in house training by a Kurzweil Product specialist and an extended warranty. In that respect it certain was worth the price.


In regards to endorsements, Kurzweil does not endorse anyone (other than Stevie Wonder, Billy Joel and Jordan Rudess).


The differences between the K2000/K2500 and the K2600 are much more significant than you make them out to be. Triple Modular Processing alone is revolutionary, but there are other major benfits to the K2600 platform over the K2500 series. If for no other reason, put them side by side and hear the difference yourself.


Last but not least, in regards to pricing. Actually K2600's have been doing quite well even at their old price. But with recent cooperation from Young Chang, we choose to lower the prices instead of putting the money towards marketing or other programs.



Mike Martin


Kurzweil Music Systems


-Mike Martin



Mike Martin Photography Instagram Facebook

The Big Picture Photography Forum on Music Player Network


The opinions I post here are my own and do not represent the company I work for.

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Sorry I had so many mistakes in my last post, but I'm at my day job. LOL. My sequences have a lot of continuous controller/sys exclusive stuff floating around so my songs eat up tons of sequencer memory, thats why 3 megs of pram would be nice. I would want all my presets available plus full sequencer capacity and 3 megs of pram would be more than enough. Happy to hear that you guys already implement the other things which I need. Now all we have to do is get you to stick RBG/composite video outs on the back of the 2600 and some display software into the rom, so we can chose between using the little bitty onboard screen or a computer monitor and I would be set!!!!!


As per the last post I do feel that Kurzweils are a little pricey, but the only problem that you have is if you dont by a Kurzweil, what do you really replace it with? And dont tell me a triton, cause I will roll over and die. Not that the triton is a bad board, but it is a closed system (no outside sys/excl data), for live work its great for recording especially digital recording it sucks. I find it to wet and tinny sounding, it just doesnt simulate acoustic sounds very well, nor does it have the underlying harmonics of the Emus. I dont have a 2600, and in all honesty since I just purchased a Kurz PC2X(sounds awesome)and a roland Esynth(maxxed out), I probably won't get one. But this is the whole point, to replace the 2600 I had to buy 2 other pieces and one is a kurz(nothing simulates acoustic instruments better). Now, if you go by the original list prices this would have costed me over $7000 which is what a kurz 2600XS was. So my point is you either pay kurzweil, or pay someone else but it will cost the same to get something comparable, because you will have to purchase more than one piece to get an equivalent setup.

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Now , don't get defensive..hihi. If you think the Kurzweil is worth whatever $$ that you guys sell them for then good for you and more $$$ for you guys.

I'm endorse by 2 synth company and i do own a K2500 ( i never said i was endorse by Kurz though ).

You see, personally i don't really care much about all these impressive technical jargon ( triple modular...)..the bottom line is how it SOUNDS, and yes i'm sitting with one of your rep right now with a K2600...so far there's NOTHING that he can come up with that i can not reproduce on my K2500 other than the K2600 seems to run out of POLYPHONY very often !!!

I'm gonna spend another couple days checking it out..i'll let you know, but so far i still stand by my first post ...a decent machine...definitely NOT worth the price tag. Just my opinion though. BTW, I bought my K2500R 2 years ago for $ 1800 US, while on tour in Indonesia ( brand new of course ). How much is the new lower price of the K2600 ??

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What Kurzweil Rep are you with? Have you heard the Triple Modular Processing Program Farm. You definitely can't do this stuff on a K2500 or any other instrument.


Here are some street prices which I've found on the web.


K2600 $2995.00

K2600S $3395.00

K2600X $2295.00

K2600XS $3695.00

K2600R $2495.00

K2600RS $2895.00

-Mike Martin



Mike Martin Photography Instagram Facebook

The Big Picture Photography Forum on Music Player Network


The opinions I post here are my own and do not represent the company I work for.

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