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Need synth help PLEASE.


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I'm an extreme novice when it comes to synth's, can anyone recommend some good reading to explain what oscilators are and how to use them, how to use filters, etc... I have a very basic understanding of what these are but have NO idea how to use them. I appreciate any help, suggestions you have.

Thanks Phil W.

P.S. I have a subscription to Keyboard mag on the way!! I know they have very good articles.

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I'm an extreme novice when it comes to synth's, can anyone recommend some good reading to explain what oscilators are and how to use them, how to use filters, etc... B]


I'm surprised that J.A. hasn't jumped on this. There's a book, published in 1984 by Hal Leonard, called "Synthesizer Technique." It's basically a compilation of articles from Keyboard magazine, authored by folks like Bob Moog, George Duke, and even Jim Aikin. I'm sure it's long out of print, but I've seen copies of it turn up on the rec.music.makers.synth newsgroup as well as eBay. I've got a copy, but I'm reluctant to part with it. It's a classic. Any help, Mr. Aikin? Best wishes, Ken

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Originally posted by soper2@mindspring.com:

I'm surprised that J.A. hasn't jumped on this.


Man, I'd *love* to do a book on the subject. There are just two leetle problems: time and money. Not to sound like a pig or anything, but in order to carve such a huge chunk out of my personal life, I'd have to see a sizeable advance and a decent royalty rate.


Right now my top priority is to do some composing. Mainly for my own creative satisfaction, but also so I can spend more time using some of the great new synthesizers we've been writing about!


--Jim Aikin

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Originally posted by Jim Aikin:

Man, I'd *love* to do a book on the subject. --Jim Aikin


That was my point, Jim--you DID write the book, or at least contribute to it. Your writings included articles on pitch-bending, vibrato and trills, oscillator modulation on modular synths, and "playing" the front panel, all topics which are coming back into vogue, thank goodness. (They say the mind is the first thing to go...) I guess I was thinking that you might have had copies of the Synthesizer Techniques book collecting dust in the garage behind the half-empty oil jugs. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif All the best, K.

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