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Logic and The JP 8000's Apeggiator

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Hi. Can ANYBODY...help me figure out how to get Logic to control my Roland JP 8000's apeggiator, delays, LFO's etc.? Long ago I tried contacting Emagic and Roland and I got nowhere. When I use the JP by itself everything works great but once I use MIDI I lose control of the tempo of the apeggiator, LFO's, delays etc. I'm thinking that there are specific settings for both the JP and Logic that are necessary to make it work. Right now in order to use the arpeggiator in Logic I have record it at the default tempo of 120 BPM.Then, I can change the tempo in Logic (but the delays etc still don't sync). But that sucks when you're trying to write a track at 133 BPM.God, I hope there is someone out there who can help me!!! THANKS!
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I can not really help you in the way you are asking, but maybe this helps:

If you divide 60000 by the bpm you get a value in milliseconds for your echo's. You can devide the outcome by two to get faster echo's and so on. All in perfect beat! (60000 / 133 = 451 milliseconds)




:keys: My Music:thx: I always wondered what happened after the fade out?
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I don't have an 8000 here to try this, but I was syncing a Novation Supernova II to Logic earlier this week, so I'll give it a shot.


The basic part is, you need to set the 8000 to external clock mode, and tell Logic to transmit MIDI clock on the output port where the 8000 is sitting. Assuming you're doing that correctly, it's hard to see what you're doing wrong. Perhaps you could give us a few more clues about the nature of the problem.


If you're having trouble setting the gear up, the owner's manual is your friend. In Logic 4.5 on the Mac, MIDI clock transmission is under Options -> Settings -> Synchronization Settings. In the dialog box, choose the MIDI tab. The click the check box and choose the output port.


Recording the arpeggio into Logic is not necessarily a bad idea. If you do this, it's a lot easier to get the arpeggio pattern to have a reliable relationship to your bar lines.


You may or may not encounter goofy MIDI loopback issues, in which the 8000 transmits arpeggiated notes to Logic and then tries to re-arpeggiate them when it sees them returning to its MIDI input. But that isn't the problem you're describing.


Pim's tip about delay times is correct, but as well as I can recall, Roland's delay times tend to be set in 10ms increments at best.


Good luck!


--Jim Aikin

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