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Originally posted by blackwon88:

I'm curious to know how many of you audio engineers are moving into graphics, motion graphics, and animation these days? Anybody?


I've been getting into video and graphics big-time, because of the site. The Winter Music Conference trailer on the site was all done with DV, then encoded to RealNetworks to get the size down. I generally load files into Sound Forge so I can tweak the audio; a little EQ and compression can really help. Video Vegas sounds like what I really need, though -- something that can edit video and audio. But man, those video data streams are something else!! Bring on the 100 GB hard drives...

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Alpha i meant what do you use software wise.

I do alot of Flash, and AfterEffects work. Im now learning 3D (a true bitch) but im getting the hang of it. My company is moving toward special effects for movies etc...

After doing just music for so long multimedia seems like a natural progression.

Graig I just downloaded Video Vegas Beta havent installed it yet but I've been recording music on Vegas Pro and love it.

I've been editing video on Adobe's Premire which is cool.

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i do a lot of flash, andyea, youre right, 3D is a real bitch. been using raydream. cant afford an SGI machine to do high end 3D yet. but for multimedia its flash. been getting into the actionscripting a lot lately. and of course its nice to be able to invlove music and sound with it. dont really have any applications for director since flash is becoming quite powerful and a standard on the web.



"if god is truly just, i tremble for the fate of my country" -thomas jefferson

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One of the things about video is it's getting so easy these days. For me, after getting the DV camera, all it took was $99 for a FireWire interface, which came bundled with Ulead video studio software. That's all it took to get going! I'm also experimenting with doing primitive animation with the software by loading successive slides of bit-mapped images. I think before too long, I'll be able to do impressionistic videos to go along with some of my tunes. And you're right, it is an easy transition to evolve into multimedia from audio.
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Yeah Alpha I've been using RayDream as well as a program call Terragen which generates picture like quality terrain way better and easier than Bryce for some applications. Oh its free too http://www.planetside.co.uk/terragen/

but I don't know if you can use it with a Mac yet though.

But Raydream I've seen some pretty far out stuff done with it.

Oh adding my music and sound effects is the fun part.

Graig the reason I steered towards Multi was because i wanted to create visuals for my music I just never thought that it would grow into a business that now it pays for the music. I'm going to check on that fire wire youve been discussing for a second computer as well as some removable drives for the video those raids are nice but are expensive.

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Originally posted by blackwon88:

Yeah Alpha I've been using RayDream as well as a program call Terragen which generates picture like quality terrain way better and easier than Bryce for some applications. Oh its free


I'm downloading it right now, what a great tip! I can hardly wait to check it out...

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Originally posted by alphajerk:

i use pc for graphics stuff due to job compatibility.


criag, use fractal painter and albiet time consuming, you can already do that.


I missed the reference...do what? Animation without having to load individual slides?

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craig, maybe i misunderstood. you said doing a impressionist video to some music. as is the form of art known as impressionism? fractal painter has a really good fake impressionism and you would load a movie into it and then do a script for clonning each frame to emulate it and then output it and voila. of course you could do whatever you wanted to any of the frames. im really excited about video and computers as we all saw happen with audio.



"if god is truly just, i tremble for the fate of my country" -thomas jefferson

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Originally posted by blackwon88:

hey Graig have you had a chance to checkout Terragen?


Yes, I have! It is indeed very cool, thanks for the tip (that's why I love this site...).


Anyway, it looks like it requires some investment in time to master it, but I was able to generate some decent-looking landscapes just by clicking around. Actually, some of the places looked very much like where I'd want to take a vacation! They should also make some good backdrops for those impressionistic videos (and BTW thanks alphajerk for the clarifications).

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