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As I was rapidly flipping to see Letterman on television (I had forgotten about wanting to watch him tonight until I saw a post here), I saw a report on ABC about the Grand Cooley dam. *Hopefully* we're all hyper-conscious and vigilant about potential terrorist attack targets. Obviously - based on the report - they are there at the dam and at the town. *WE SHOULDN'T BE RUNNING STORIES THAT COULD GIVE ANYONE ANY IDEAS*. I can think of 50 different targets off top of my head. Putting one on tv makes it gift wrapped. I think that maybe should be a new social taboo: don't bring to attention the obvious, and make it more desireable. ------------------ [b]New and Improved Music Soon:[/b] http://www.mp3.com/chipmcdonald

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/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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They should be showing the incredible security which is being put in place at all potential targets....they are doing that aren't they? HEY- IF THEY'RE NOT MAYBE THE MEDIA SHOULD BE LIGHTING SOME FIRES UNDER SOME ASSES. I'm really at a loss here because I feel out of touch. I don't have cable TV and my wife is getting tired of having to translate. My best news source is BBC World at 6a.m. my time if I get up. I have a brother and sister in NYC (both unharmed but shaken). Are there massive security measures being taken? I really want to know. ------------------ Mac Bowne G-Clef Acoustics Ltd. Osaka, Japan My Music: [url=http://www.javamusic.com/freedomland]www.javamusic.com/freedomland[/url]

Mac Bowne

G-Clef Acoustics Ltd.

Osaka, Japan

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I'm afraid I'm with gtrmac on this one... Let's face it... it doesn't take a tactical genius to figure out potential targets, and we're dealing with people who have (at least some of them have) extensive experience in guerrilla warfare (Afghanistan vs USSR? Ring any bells?). But most Americans are NOT accustomed to thinking this way - we've been sitting fat and happy and complacent for way too long, and we really need to start thinking about security. I see a LOT of attention being given to airport security, and while I think that's a GOOD thing, it would be pretty dumb from a tactical standpoint for them to try to hit such a target again anytime soon... and we'd better start thinking about what our weak areas are, and how we can defend them, because THEY are... and we'd better be ready... If the newspapers are pointing this out, I'm all for it. If they're saying "gee, lookie here terrorists... there's a big fat unprotected target for you", then that's another matter. But remember, even if it seems like they're doing the latter, it takes time to do an opplan, even for a "target of opportunity". Hopefully, by pointing out where we are weak, the newspapers are doing us a service so we can address those areas. The "bad guys" have probably already figured those targets out long ago.... And no, I'm not going to list areas where I feel we're vulnerable.. It really wouldn't make any difference if I did, but I'll sleep better at night. Phil O'Keefe Sound Sanctuary Recording Riverside CA http://members.aol.com/ssanctuary/index.html email: pokeefe777@msn.com
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>>But most Americans are NOT accustomed to thinking this way - we've been sitting fat and happy and complacent for way too long, and we really need to start thinking about security.<< While not trying to react in too paranoid way till we see what unfolds people in little America are already whispering amongst each other about what we need to consider and be prepared for. They may well prove whisper's that we hope prove unneeded. But they are whispers that will guarantee we don't fall victim to what a future due to our complacency or the lack of stomach to face a reality we might have never thought, might bring to us. Families like mine are having these little private discussions. After a talk with my youngest son last night, I found comfort in the fact that the county school system is taking time to explain to the children, the ones old enough to make decisions, things we may have to worry about in the future. They're making them understand the dynamics of our county economies (in our case we have one of most dense population of tool and die/plastics molding manufacturing supporting the auto industry. They're making them understand that there literally thousands of such little seemingly insignificant counties across this country and why future acts of horror might not necessarily have to involve a big high profile setting to be just as damaging. When my son talked to me about this, he spoke as a young man informed not scared to death. It's been one of the few things our school board has done in years that hasn't pissed me off [img]http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif[/img]. Families are looking at themselves as cells. Our family is a cell of six adults. We have four families of kin within shouting distance.... we now become a cell of 15... good neighbors.... we become a cell of 35... so on. No body's getting together and forming militia... it's just people talking to people about this terrible tragedy and gathering a sense that if we need each other... we don't need to go thru the actual steps of forming a citizens militia... it's always been there being formed and solidified in just everyday living in this wonderful little space in little America. America's full of dynamic little seeming insignificant relationships. And while these monsters should find much to fear in this proud and angry Solidarity that has happened in this country, they're really don't have a clue how deep rooted that solidarity will be. On the political front nationally, while there was good reason given so many social problems to even consider tight gun control in this country, that's been blown completely out of the water now. I was borderline... never again in my lifetime on my part. ------------------ William F. Turner Songwriter [url=http://www.csonline.net/wfturner/index.html]turnermusic[/url]

William F. Turner




Sometimes the truth is rude...

tough shit... get used to it.

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>>Are there massive security measures being taken? I really want to know<< I've seen numerous reports where it's being indicated that the big corporations with big refinery's chemical plants, defense manufacturing are taking big steps on there own dollar to step up security. In protecting their investments they're deminishing the effectivness of being targeted as the cytalyst for being used as something devastating. From what I heard last night it's as hard to get in a sporting event as it should be to get on a plane. ------------------ William F. Turner Songwriter [url=http://www.csonline.net/wfturner/index.html]turnermusic[/url]

William F. Turner




Sometimes the truth is rude...

tough shit... get used to it.

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It doesn't matter what they show on TV!, Nobody ever did a show on how easy it is/was to highjack an airliner..Also the security in the airports will be back to its normal low in a few months..I have seen it first hand several times..Your only recourse is STOP it from the source, or be ready in a few months to a year for another outlash........Harry
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