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last cry for musical help

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I have asked everyone i know but noone seems to know the answer. I use Cubase 5.1 R1 with a Luna II soundcard. It has worked well for me ... however as far as i know suddenly the following occurs: when i record through a pre-amp (Audio Sound Buddy) the pegel (recording level) shows below zero which is ok but when i play it back the loudness is the same but the pegel shows high in the red. By recording the master shows also in the red as well as in playback so it is just related to the channel itself which is being recorded on. I don't know if the problem lies with Luna II (Creamware), though they tell me it isn't, with Cubase or with the pre-amp! I tried recording the bass through the pre-amp which seems to work better which led me to think it is the mic which i in due course changed along with the cable. Would anyone have a possible answer as to what is wrong and what i can do to fix it? Thank you. Swifty
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Maybe you should try recording into another app? Get a demo of something and try that. If you have the same problem then at least you know it's a hardware thing.
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I use Pro Tools LE but maybe Cubase has something similar. In Pro Tools, I have a choice of using Pre Fader or Post Fader metering. When tracking, I make sure I use Pre Fader metering to ensure I'm not clipping. When it comes to mixing, I use Post Fader metering. I don't know if that helps you.

aka riffing


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Thanks Rog and Riffing. Rog, i am almost ashamed to admit that i didn't really understand what you were recommending. Do you mean try the mic, and pre-amp on a different cubase version? Riffing, there is a "in" button on the channel track but it should remain on while recording suppossedly to show you the proper pegel of the recording, when i turn it off it seems to work more accurately but i have always had it on, which is the way the manual says it should be and it has no use for mixing so far as i know.
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Yes, Rog meant that you should try it using a demo of Sonar or Logic or something. But first: The "in" button in Cubase VST toggles the pre/post fader thing. When recording you should have the "in" turned on, so that it shows the level of the signal coming in to Cubase. When the "in" button is on, the level should be the same as in the Luna mixer. Set the level on the preamp so that you get as high a level as possible without peaking in the Luna mixer. You can just let the level of the channel in the Luna mixer stay at "0" (default position), and adjust the level externally on the preamp. (Ok, that was two ways of saying the same thing :) ). You may have to lower the master out of the Luna mixer by about 3 dB. I hope this helps...

-Joachim Dyndale



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Thanks Joachim! The problem at the moment is that with the "in" switched off during recording i seem to be able to judge better what peak i will have at playback. I have the Luna set up very simply, what i don't get is that everything worked fine one moment and then the next... The channel itself peaks only to 0db and doesnt go over that only the master does. I'll try changing the master level on the Luna though. thanks
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