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Lame kick sound

Mayor McCheese

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Hey guys -


I've been doing some recording with a drummer who has a very nice DW set. The problem is the kick drum. We can't get the kick on tape to sound good, strong, and punchy. In the room, the thing sounds fine, maybe a little too ringy with the front head on. On tape it sounds like somebody hitting a plastic trash bag with a fly swatter - slappy, weak, plastic-y (is that a word?), lame, maybe clipping a little.


We've tried every micing technique we can think of. The one that seems to work the least worst, is:

1) Front head off

2) Pillow in drum

3) D112 right on the back head at a 45 degree angle to the surface of the head


We compressed it when we cut it which we've been told is not a good idea - we should compress on mixdown.


We're using a Tascam D-1000 digital console and a couple of DA-38's.


What are we doing wrong? It sounds like a CB700 or worse on tape.




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Exactly where you put the mic, and at what angle, is a very big deal.

Have the drummer play the kick drum very very quietly (so you don't get deaf) and put your ear in various places down there- you may be amazed how different things sound just a inch away from the best place.

Then, put the mic EXACTLY there.



"There is nothing I regret so much as my good behavior. What demon possessed me that I behaved so well?" -Henry David Thoreau

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Dammit Ted! You're slackin' on me boy!


The correct answer is "Get a 32" bass drum and put a calfskin head on it!" :D


Seriously, it sounds like a tuning or head issue, as well as probably a mic placement issue. The mic should never be pointed directly at the beater for one thing. What kind of heads are on the drum? If you're getting a lot of ring to where you have to put a pillow in it, you probably don't have it tuned right.

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Tune kick properly, and remove pillows or any other dampening devices inside it. I too would recommend another mic, such as the MD421, but that's my taste.


Like Lee mentioned, if there's too much ringing, tune it again.


You could also be experiencing some phase issues, by the way you describe the sound of it.


And yes, don't compress while recording, unless you really need to. Some compressors can kill the sound fairly easily as well (did someone hear the B-word?) ;)

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