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Hello I'm a bass player


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Firstly, hello brothers and sisters in groove. Let us all together and pray "on the one" ehrm (cough, cough)


Sorry about that, what came over me?


What do you look for in a bass player?


Who is/are your fav(s)?


We as bass players are told to listen to the drummers when putting parts together. Are drummers told to cop stuff from the bass line? If so who goes first?


How much do you negotiate with the bass player in constructing the groove?


Is there as much bitching about arrogant guitarists here as there is on Low Down Lowdown?


Thank you for your time, feel free to come and pick the "brains" of the bass players on our bass orientated forum.

Free your mind and your ass will follow.
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Originally posted by NickT:

What do you look for in a bass player?

Right now it would nice if I could find one who isn't a flake. Maybe you can help shed some light into why bassists are so flaky.


...not that you are of course. ;)

Just for the record.
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Ummmmmmm, dunno. Could be that there he has a load of other work on? Many bass players started playing 'cos eveyone they knew wanted to play guitar or drums, hence decent bass players were few and far between.


Maybe you just picked a few bad'uns. Did you pick the guys 'cos they looked right or cos they played right. (be honest) I think many of the guys who (try to) look right are making up for a lack of ability to play (says the guy with the bleached blond stripe in his hair and the baggy jeans).


Hey man, if you've got regular work in San Fran, lend me the money for the ticket and help me find somewhere to sleep (anywhere flatish will do) and I'll play for you. :D

Free your mind and your ass will follow.
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Originally posted by NickT:

Did you pick the guys 'cos they looked right or cos they played right. (be honest)

Nah, it's not that. I've played with many excellent players. I've been doing this for a long time, and in my experience, it seems that a "type" is more the rule than the exception. There's an attitude that I can't quite understand or explain.


I'm not here to slam bassists by any means; we are brothers in groove. But the negative attitude is there quite often, and it just kills me sometimes. Strangely, it seems the better the talent, the more the 'tude.

Just for the record.
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Hey NickT


For the most part I try to play along to what you bass players are doing especially if I'm filling in for someone or reading. I'm pretty spoiled I play a lot of different venues and most of the time with the same 4 bass players(not at the same time of course), all top guys. One of them happens to be my brother, we've been playing so long together that we can anticipate each others move and feed off one another.


My two pennies :thu:

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Hi, Nick!

In my area it seems that there are always too few bass players - and too many of them would rather be playing guitar!


Anyway, the bass players I enjoy playing with have no problem playing a fairly simple bass line on songs that call for simplicity.

Nor do they mind playing the better part of most songs the same way, time after time (as I try to do on drums), so that the lead instrumentalists and vocalists (and I) know what to expect.


Like us drummers, the bass player is mostly there for support. We both have to set egos aside (there won't be room on stage once the guitarists bring their egos, anyway) and do what's going to make the music sound the best!


Finally, it has always been the bass player that is the one to leave the band about the time we get ready to book some serious gigs, or who says he'll play through the New Year's Eve gig before he quits, then makes excuses 'stead of making music (and money).

Again, likely becuase there aren't enough good bass players out there!

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Larryt...I gotta move to Albany. No bass player, good money, good groves. Beats seven shades of sh*ite out of London. There are too many good players and not enough work. Plus venues are closing down left right and centre over here.
Free your mind and your ass will follow.
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  • 5 weeks later...

I'm a bass player - isn't it a luxury to play with family, drumlooney? my little bro is a drummer and I love playing with him. we have esp. ja


I'm so lucky right now - I live in a place where there is a shortage of bass players... and a glut of guitar players (of course). Furthermore, I think that there's always a lack of musicians in general who don't have their heads crammed up their heehaw-holes. I really have all the opportunities that I want to play music right now, and I think it's because I have a reputation as being a decent player and person.


I'm not a flashy player and I pride myself on that. I love playing simple stuff and having a really good sound coming from my rig that fits into the right place in the band instead of dominating the band. I love having a drummer thank me for playing simply and leaving him some holes.


but guys... sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and think... man... I want to play guitar in my next band... then I slap myself hehe j/k

"...I'm working fast food now... but, hey, at least it's better than my last job."
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