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akg c1000 vs Rode NT5


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Hi, I have a problem, I want to buy a good small diaphragm condenser and can't decide between the AKG c1000 and the Rode NT5. I can get a pair of any of those for $299, so money is not a factor. Has anybody tried them both? I would be using them more on drums and acoustic guitar, I really need to know which one sounds better, can't try them by myself, no music stores around, and haven't found any review on the internet, at least any with a renowned reviewer.


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You didn't say what you're going to use them for, but I'm guessing overheads. You also said money wasn't a factor, but I'm guessing it will be. But in regard to your question - Neither!


For your purpose consider the Shure SM-81, Oktava MC012, Neumann KM184. Beyond those, there are some great ones by a few others including AKG (like the 4041 or 3528) but not the CM1000S - way too harsh and you'll always be reaching for the eq trying to get that annoying sound out of the mix.


Don't buy the Oktavas from Guitar Center, buy from www.oktava.com "Sound Room".

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I'd advise against the c1000s as well. I've used them as overheads in the studio. With some crafty EQing I got them to do more or less what I wanted, but they're less than ideal. You'd be looking to upgrade before long.


Take a serious look at the Marshall MXL 603s condensers. Apparenly very close in sound to the Oktavas, which I've never used. But Oktavas have a spotty record in the consistency department. You run the risk of getting a bad pair. Marshall has better internal quality control.


I'm currently using the Marshalls for my studio work. If I were to upgrade again, I'd be taking a long look at a pair of the Shure KSM27s. But they're considerably more expensive.

Just for the record.
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