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Electronic Drums picture site!


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Hey Guys,


I've been thinking about doing this before, but now I finally did it; I made a site for pics of e-drums.


The site is located on;



This links to the same site, but is slower; http://edrumpicsite.flappie.nl


The idea is to have one place for all e-drummers to see eachothers kits and read some user comments about it as well. So for people who don't have a kit yet it's great too, since they can see what setups are possible and how people like them.


I can not host everybody's pictures, so if you supply me the links to your pics I can include them on my page. If you want to join my site, copy paste the following .txt file to an email, fill in all the answers and mail them to me ( edrumpicsite@fax.tmfweb.nl ).


I hope you'll all support this site by putting your pics online :)




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Well........ this thread will make me jealeous! And there ya go again with the post-a-pic-trick, I still can't figure it out yet.....?@$%#!@#@!!!


You guys are killing me with that trick!!! (LOL)


Does an SR16 qualify???????? :D:D


Jazzman :cool:

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Oops.. I forgot to post the link of the .txt file, here it is;



Well if you want to put pics online, you need to have some webspace. I got it from my provider.

Then you need a program to upload your stuff (load it from you HD to your webspace), I use a program called LeechFTP.


You can also use Geocities or an MSN community for hosting pictures without using an upload program, but those sites wont allow you to link to the pictures from other sites :(

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