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What cymbal bags should I get?


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Now that I have an actual band (not sure if you all know, but me and my brother found a fretless bass player who is also a lyricist and booker, and a rhythm player who is a singer. We start playing shows sometime in January or February), I need a cymbal bag. My cymbal setup is as follows (all Zildjian) -


8" A Custom Splash

10" A Custom Splash

12" A Custom Splash

14" K Thin Crash

16" A Custom Crash

17" K Custom Crash

18" A Medium Thin Crash

16" A China Boy High (coming next week!)

18" Oriental Trash

18" K Custom Flat Ride

20" Avedis Ride

13" K/Z Hi-Hats


- So 12 of them, and a few more small ones coming probably this summer. (6" Zil-bel, and maybe a 6" A Custom Splash) I'm looking to get a few cymbal bags with dividers. The dividers are VERY important, I am overprotective of my cymbals. So I'm looking for a cymbal bag that isn't too expensive, that can hold 6 or 7 cymbals(The smaller cymbals can be put in outside pockets or I can just wrap them in a blanket). Money is definitely an issue, considering that I am 16, so I am not looking for something too expensive. Does anyone have any idea if there is anything that fits my criteria here? Thanks,





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Originally posted by DerekDrums:

No, my full set comes with me to shows. I've done it before using blankets, but that's taking way too long. I need a bag since I'll be doing this more often than 5 times a year. Any suggestions on cymbal bags?


Oh, to be young again. All I can say is toting 12 cymbals to lots of gigs is going to get old fast, Derek. It's a big enough pain just getting the kit inside and assembled. Then setting up all those stands and extensions? Yuck! But ... if you don't mind showing up 60 minutes ahead of the rest of the band every time you play out, more power to you. Make sure you have enough space for that stuff before you bring everything in.


Check out Zildjian's line. They make cases with extra pockets for hi-hats. Can't say I know of one with dividers or anything like that, although I'm sure there's one out there. Actually, I remember seeing a hard case once that held up to five cymbals, and had a wing nut with a piece of felt that held them down. Pretty nice, but I think it was about $100, and that was years ago when you were still watching Saturday morning cartoons. It may not even exist anymore. It wasn't made by a cymbal manufacturer. Don't remember much else about it. Sorry.

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Nah, the cymbal thing won't get old at all. I've done it before, it's not a big deal. Each cymbal takes about 15 extra seconds, and I usually like to show up about an hour early anyway so I can get setup and warm up. My whole set takes about 10 minutes to set up because of the rack, so it's not a problem at all with size. When I brought my set with only a few cymbals and no rack, I spent about 5 times longer setting up, because I couldn't find the settings I liked. I just kept fiddling with it non stop, didn't really warm up much, about 5 minutes of warming up. With my whole set there, everything is easy. I just keep the memory locks all set and I just put the rack up, put the bass drum in, and then start bringing in toms and cymbals and percussion. The only fiddling I do is a little with the snare and hats, but I basically get the exact positions because I remember where they are relative to the other drums. All the cymbals are very easy to set up, take probably the least time. Just stick it on and tighten it. No problem at all. If I have cases, it will make things even easier on top of that, because they will take up less room, and I won't have to be as paranoid when we are driving to the gig. Zildjian's cymbal bags are useless, the one that has cymbal dividers holds like 3 cymbals I think it is. Not good. I need one that holds 6 a piece at least, 7 if possible. I have quite a few small cymbals(an 8", 10", 12", 14", and 13" hi-hats) so I could maybe go smaller if it has cymbal pockets. I'd like to only go for two cymbal bags, I don't want to go for three that hold like 4 each. They still have hard cases out there, but those do not have dividers. I'm VERY protective of my cymbals, and if I had those with no dividers, those logos would get all scratched up. Plus, I don't like the idea of putting all that pressure on the cymbals with the wing nut. You'd have to weigh them down enough so they don't twist, which would be hard, and that'd not be good for a long drive. I want to just stick with bags. Thanks for your suggestions though! Anyone else have any ideas?





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  • 3 weeks later...

DerekDrums, Hi I just came across a bag that fits your request. Humes & Berg make some cool cases for cymbals. The one I found is out of a catalog called Interstate. The bag is called a "Tuxedo Cordura" it holds a maximum of 12 cymbals. The bag is padded and is designed to protect expensive cymbals, complete with handles and shoulder strap. There is an outside compartment to hold accessories too. Try this website: www.interstatemusic.com the issue number of my catolog is 0619, Winter 2000-2001.


Hope this helps..........


My fade out..........


Jazzman :cool:

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