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need advice on heads!


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What i want is a fat sound with very little sustain and no ring. I've been using Evans G1 batter and G2 resonant, but i'm still having to use my RemO's (muffling rings) What's the best head combination (any manufacturer)to cut out the ring and give me the nice crisp fat sound without having to use my RemO's? Thanks for any suggestions!
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you have the two ply on the top right?


If not switch your heads.


I don't know...why on earth would you not want some ring?


I'd say a pinstripe on top and a CS sound on the bottom or try the Bear Studio heads with a medium or heavy weight clear on the bottom...maybe even go with a dot as well.


Aquarian studio x's are also a very controlled head. Alotta people on this list like the P3's from remo as well.


Put some tape on the damn things...there's nothing wrong with that either in my book. Have fun

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Here's my suggestions:


1. Throw your drums in the garbage and go to your local UHaul dealer and buy a bunch of different size boxes, and just beat on them!


2. But normal heads on your kit(G2 up top, G1 on the bottom) and through a towel or t-shirt over the drum you don't want to resonate.


3. Buy evans Hydraulics for the tops, and put G1 on the bottom. OR if you really want to choke those drums to death, put a hydraulic on the bottom too.


But I must ask WHY? For what reason would you want to acheive this sound?

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Perhaps i didn't do a very good job of describing the sound i want. I don't want a THUD, i want a little tone, but not the sound of...you know how the drums come with heads straight from the factory? (I have Pearl Exports) the way they sound with just factory heads and no muffling whatsoever. I've been looking at Studio X as well as Evans Hydraulic, and Remo Powerstroke 3's

The thing is i have to buy pretty much everything online, because the closest decent music stores (Guitar Center, Mars Music) are about 2.5 hours away. So I never really get to hear heads before i buy them. I'm sorry that my initial post seems to have made me out to be an idiot. I didn't mean to offend anyone.

I just really want to get rid of my RemO's (free floating mylar muffling rings) and just have muffling built into the heads.

So I'm down to Evans Hydraulic, Aquarian Sudio X, and Remo Powerstroke 3's. Hopefully I'll make the right choice. Thanks for your opinions.


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I don't think that you offended anyone, we're just giving you a hard time. I think you'll be happy with a G2 batter and a G1 resonant, the Hydro's are going to sound more thud-like. I LOVE the coated G2 batter, clear G1 resonant combo. This combo gives my drums GREAT tone, and just a nice sustatin, not that high-pitched annoying sustain(which is probably what you are dealing with). Here's another suggestion:

Give some more details on the sound you are looking for, maybe list an album that has THAT sound, this will probably help us give you better advice.


BTW, you're probably not an idiot(well, you could be, but I would not say so just from your initial post). We're just giving you a hard time for lauughs. Your questions are ALWAYS welcome here, and I know that we will do our best to answer them for you. Continue posting, you'll see.

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ahhhh okay, see right now i have clear on both batter & resonant, that could be my problem


so i'll just get some G2 coateds and some more clear G1 resonants


thanks guys, glad to know i didnt piss anyone off :)

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Originally posted by lo0zer:

What i want is a fat sound with very little sustain and no ring. I've been using Evans G1 batter and G2 resonant, but i'm still having to use my RemO's (muffling rings) What's the best head combination (any manufacturer)to cut out the ring and give me the nice crisp fat sound without having to use my RemO's? Thanks for any suggestions!


Many like the G2/G1 combination, although they are usually reversed. You might eplore your tuning technique as well, because unless you are tuning real high, you should be able to get the sound you are looking for.


However, there are 2 or maybe 3 other combinations to consider.


I believe you stated you were looking for more of a studio punch type tone. The Export tend to favor the REMO PinStripe Heads. You also didn't state if you were using coated or clear. You'll have better results if you use a coated resonant side, this will take some of the higher pitched ring out, which is probably more of what the issue is?


The Studio-X coated is an easy solution because if you like the "O" ring thing, this has that inherent tone. However, it does have a warm lingering resonance. Its best paired with a G1 coated, or Satin Texture. Whereas the PerformanceII coated will be a slight step more controlled than is the G2 (when used as a batter).


If you want true dead, consider the REMO PowerStroke 4, which is two ply with a control ring underneath. Pair with a Ambassador on the resonant side.


Personally, you should just try reversing your heads and learn how to manuipulate the tuning zone. See the link.

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Sorry to go off on a tangent, but I *love* ring. I did a session yesterday and the guy said "toms sound great, but you know you've got some ring there right?" I smiled big and said "yeah." :) I used to hate it, but getting into jazz really got me to love that sound. There's just something alive about that single note ringing out. Now if you've got any strange overtones to the ring, that's just bad tuning. But when it happens in one rich note it's a beautiful thing.


But I digress... Many moons ago I used the Export/Pinstripe combination. Those two just seem to be made for each other. I think that's what you're looking for.

Just for the record.
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thanks for all your help guys!


Prof. Sound-I'm using clear on batter and resonant both :)


i'll check out the Pinstripes, i've heard of em before but never played on em :)

so if i use the Pinstripes, I should use coated on both batter and resonant side, right? And Pinstripes on both sides? :)


oh and right now i'm using G1 batter and G2 resonant, i switched them around not long ago, i loved the way they sounded, but to get that sound i still had to use the o-rings :(


so maybe i need a type of 2-ply head on bottom, and a head with some sort of muffling, like the StudioX, on the top?


i dunno, but thanks again for all you guys' help! :D

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Eeesh... I wouldn't use a 2-ply as the bottom head and I see no reason to use coated Pinstripes on the tops.


What worked for me when I played Exports is Clear Pinstripes on the tops and Clear Ambasadors on the bottoms. Reading back, though, you said you want a crisp, fat sound. This is where words start to fail, but the combination I just described will give you a deep, dark sound. Might want to give that a try though, or others may have additional ideas as to what you're going for.

Just for the record.
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Originally posted by lo0zer:

thanks for all your help guys!


Prof. Sound-I'm using clear on batter and resonant both :)


i'll check out the Pinstripes, i've heard of em before but never played on em :)

so if i use the Pinstripes, I should use coated on both batter and resonant side, right? And Pinstripes on both sides? :)



PinStripe Batter/Coated Ambassador Resonant


No reason to use a two ply on the bottom. I mention coated heads only due to there ability to calm down the higher pitched overtones, which is what I think you are hearing more than anything else.


If you want more muffling, you have to go with something that has an adhered edge (PinStripe), a built-in ring (Studio-X) or inherent tone control (PowerStroke).



In all cases use a single ply resonant - try one drum with a few different heads.

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