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dealing with frustrating setbacks


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Well, i've lived here in Austin for 1 year now. I knew no one before moving here so went the route of classifieds. I now have played in about 5 serious bands, and auditioned in probably 15 or so. The band i was playing with(until about 10min ago) lost the bassist about one month ago, so we auditioned people for the spot, and had no luck(although i networked and got called for an audition which i am waiting to hear back from). This band was nearing the gig-ready stage. It seems every band i join breaks up once arriving at that stage. This is SO frustrating. I NEED to gig, but it seems like all the delays are being dealt my way. Anybody have tips on this, or even tips on dealing with the frustration this causes?
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I feel your pain brother!


To be honest, Austin (as well as other cities) are known for this problem. One issue that you are battling is what I call Star Fever. Since Austin is known for it's rich music heritage, musicians aspiring for stardom try and put groups together in hopes of tapping into the Austin music industry. This is one reason that I have refrained from ever thinking of moving to Austin.


I would encourage you to hold out for the right group by not agreeing to rehearse with anyone on a regular basis until you are certain that everything is already in place. Try to find a WORKING band that is in need of a drummer. As long as you continue to join these "start-up bands", your odds are slim that you will land the right chemistry. I've said it before and I'll say it again ... it's 80% interpersonal relationship, communication and getting along ... and just 20% music.


If you audition with a band, audition THEM at the same time. If they don't have the same (or better) musical experience as you then hit the road. You'll save yourself a lot of heartache and wasted time.


FYI ... this subject has been thoroughly discussed in the past with some great comments by other members of this forum. I would search the archives and peruse the knowledge base.


Drop me a line sometime and let me know what you are looking for. We have several members of the Drum Ring International who live in the Austin area, and I have a few connections as well. Maybe I can throw you a few bones?!





Bart Elliott


Drummer Cafe - community drum & percussion forum
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