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Phantom power...?


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Has anyone ever had a dynamic mic to be damaged by phantom power?

My mixer doesn't allow phantom power to be assigned to specific channels!

I was told on Craigs forum a case was known where phantom power caused the slow death of a D112!



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Phantom Power damaging a Dynamic Mic? This is almost unheard of, but is possible. I would want to see the proof that Phantom Power actually damaged the D112. Unless it's a control environment type of test, there's no hard evidence.


FACT: It's common practice to have phantom power going across the board and into channels that use dynamic mics.


Everyone does it and complaints like the one you mentioned are rare. Which is cheaper; to buy a new D-112 after years of use (and abuse) or buy a separate mic-pre for every condensor mic you use? I would vote on replacing the D-112 since it IS a rare instance. If you've got the money, you could always purchase a mixer that allows you to add phantom power to individual channels.


Don't sweat it ... just do what you can do!





Bart Elliott


Drummer Cafe - community drum & percussion forum
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Ian, I've never heard of that! Are they sure it was the phantom power and not a drummer beating the crap out of the mic? http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


The only mics I know will get damaged by phantom power are some of the ribbon mics. Dynamics should not have a problem!



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D112's are supposed to be rugged high SPL handling mics...Mystery!

Like you I was never a fan of the D112 anyway...especially after the introduction of kick mics from other manufacturers...Oh well I'll use my phantom power and cross my fingers!



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I've done some research since this thread was first started awhile back. I talked with a number of engineering friends who are leaders in their fields and whom I view to be very knowledgeable and reliable sources.


The word on this is that although a Dynamic mic can handle Phantom Power, it is NOT recommended that one do so. One individual was quoted saying "I'm not stupid enough to do that." http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/eek.gif As discussed before, Ribbon mics will be destroyed very easily from Phantom Power, but not Dynamic mics. Still, it is highly recommended that one not use Phantom Power on Dynamic mics ... whenever possible.


As to a probable cause to your D-112 deterioration, several engineers feel that the odds of this happening would be greatly INCREASED if you live in a humid location.


I have used Phantom Power on my Dynamic mics in the past ... when I only had a mixer that allowed the Phantom Power to be ON or OFF across all the channels. I wouldn't call it "stupid" ... but it's definitely not wise in the long run.


There you have it ... for what it's worth.


Stupid is as stupid does





Bart Elliott


Drummer Cafe - community drum & percussion forum
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