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Alesis or Behringer compressor for Drums?


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Anyone using the Alesis compressor or Behringer pro compressors on drums? What do you think and what would you recommend and why? Buying an alesis compressor this week and was told the Behringer pro unit is better. Anyone try both? Thanks.
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Felix is right, the Alesis 3630 blows chunks and I'm embarassed whenever I see it in a studio (and I'm surprised how often I see it). Most music shops seem to be blowing them out at half off. I'm not surprised.


I don't have first hand experience with Behringers, but they have a great reputation.


Compressors are like flavors of candy. Best thing is to try them out. I would recommend looking into the following which are all great for drums (all are dual mono or stereo):


Low price: The "Really Nice Compressor" (yes, that's the name) or RNC for short. This is the best compression you can get for the money, without a doubt. For the sound, the cheap price is amazing. Small, and great for drummers to tote around to live gigs.


Low/mid price: The Focusrite Platinum Compounder. Sweet, transparent sound. This one's made for drums.... it's got a "HUGE" button for meaty kick compression; need I say more?


High price: The best sounding compressor on the market (still being sold), bar none, is the Imperical Labs' "Distressor". All the best studios have at least one of them. But they ain't cheap.

Just for the record.
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I was never happy with the Behringer so I didn't buy one. I bought a Drawmer DL241 (Dual-Auto Compressor) and I love it. It's not cheap by any means, but you get what you pay for.


I get the best I can afford, but if all I can afford is a "okay" piece of gear, I usually save my pennies till I have enough to get what I REALLY want.


I shop for clothes the same way. I'd rather spend $60-100 on a really nice shirt that will last me for many years, rather than buying a couple of shirts at Walmart for $20.00, which will probably fall apart or fade in a year. If that means I have to keep wearing my old clothes until I can afford the ones I "really" want ... then I wait till I have the bread.


Hey, if you absolutely "have to" have a compressor now, then buy the nicest one you can find for the amount of money you have.


I'm not dissing anyone's choice of compressors (ie. Behringer). I'm merely pointing out that many people rush out to buy NOW rather than wait. Good things come to those who wait. My philosophy is ... if I don't have the cash in hand, I don't get it. There's no going into debt or buying on credit in my house. If I have to wait until I have the money to get the "better" or "nicer" item ... then I wait ... with baited breath.


Just my two cents ........





Bart Elliott


Drummer Cafe - community drum & percussion forum
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Yeah I second what Craig said about the RNC. It really IS all that for little money.


But say Craig, what are you doing hanging around the drum forum? Don't you just use those evil machines? http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


Me, I'm just here to pick up guys. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif



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Originally posted by ModernDrummer:

LOL, ian*. And I'm jealous that Bart doesn't have house or car payments!



LMOA ... you guys are nuts! Look, I hope I didn't come across as bragging, because that's not what I'm talking about. I just felt like sharing my views on making purchases. FYI ... I do have a house payment ... but that's it. My wife and I have worked very hard to get and stay out of debt and it's a HUGE burden off the shoulders. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif I love you all and just wanted to encourage you that you can have what you want, you just have to be willing to wait a little while until you save your $$$. Everyone has different views when it comes to money and how to handle it. I just like the feeling I get when I don't have to worry about "payments" and "creditors" ... you know?


Okay ... this is way off topic ... sorry in advance, but I want to share this. My wife and I have been driving our cars into the ground; she had a 1990 HONDA Accord and I had a 1990 PONTIAC Grand AM. We've been driving these things, saving our money, not having to have the latest and greatest vehicles. My car was dying BIG TIME and I needed something more practicle for hauling gear. In 1998 I was able to pay cash for a used 1995 CHEVY Astro Cargo Van. Just two months ago, we bought a vehicle to replace my wife's car; a 1998 CHEVY Tahoe ... and we paid cash. I'm not telling you this to brag, please don't take it that way. I'm not rich ... I just live well below my means. This allows me to save my money and stay out of debt, and pay cash for things when I eventually save up enough. Incidentally, we gave our old cars away ... they weren't worth much for trade in.


I'm sure you all are going to tease me ... so have at it! LOL


Seriously though, you can do the same thing! Make a budget for yourself and set goals for what you want, and stick to it! We have a 'wish list' of things we would eventually like to have. It kills me sometimes to have to WAIT, rather than just slip that plastic card out and get whatever my heart desires. But the feeling of truly owning something and not paying even more than the original purchase price ... because of interest ... is an incredible feeling. It will be bring a smile to your face and give you a happy, thankful heart.


Sermon over. We'll be taking a "love" offering now, so please ... pass the plate. You spell millyan' ... M I L L I O N.





Bart Elliott


Drummer Cafe - community drum & percussion forum
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I didn't think you were bragging,and it's nice to see you have your priorities straight!Music first...transportation second!LOL

Bart do you have plenty of food in the fridge?hehe

Seriously I have done the same thing!There is definate sense of accomplishment when you save the $$ for a great piece of equipment and it "truly" belongs to YOU!I am still building up my studio and owe no one for any of what I have!I too paid cash for my 92 S10 Blazer!Even in the decision to buy vehicles we die hards choose a vehicle that #1 doesn't take money away from our musical purchases and #2 hauls the equipment that we are slaves to!LOL It is also nice to have a wife who is supportive of our addiction and has a great job to boot!

We are all kindred spirits aren't we...?



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