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DTXpress vs Roland V drums


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I am thinking of buying the Yamaha DTXpress drum kit , which seems like a good choice. However, am uncertain whether the Roland V drums would be a better bet. Anyone one there can advise me on this matter? Many thanks.
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My son was looking at E-kits so he could practice in his apartment at school. He tried the dt express and said it was so uninspiring that it would be futile to attempt to accomplish anything on it. On the other hand, as much of an acoustic purist as he is, he said he tried the V drums out with a headset and he couldn't stop playing them. There is a huge price difference of course and he doesn't make much money so he found a room where he can practice on his drums.
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Had the same problem about four months ago. Bought the DTXpress.

I thought I really wanted a Roland but, at two to three times the price, and given the fact I'll never play them live anywhere, I just couldn't justify the extra cost (I should also tell that I'm a 36yr old guitarist learning how to play drums for the first time).


However, I wouldn't call them "uninspiring" in the least bit. Sure, it would've been nice to have stereo pads at least on the "snare" and "cymbals" but, not for an extra $1000 - $2500 dollars. You can always add on for less than what a Roland kit would cost. My wife just bought me a second kick tower for my birthday (Happy Birthday to me), and I plan in the future to get a stereo pad for the "snare" for rimshots and a "bell" for my "ride". What may be uninspiring is that the headphone out doesn't have much output at all. Seems like the engineers at Yamaha are really concerned about your hearing http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif . I have a headphone amp so that's not a problem for me. The biggest minus to me is that the hi-hat pedal is not like any real hi-hat I've ever played. It's just wierd. But then again, the drummer in my band can make that cheap Yamaha kit sound almost (almost) like the real thing.


True, also, that the brain for the DTXpress is underpowered compared to the Rolands but, that's not really a fair comparison. You need to compare, say, a Roland TD10 to the one that comes in the DTXtreme instead.


If you use something like Cubase (me), or Logic, you can use a VST intrument like Battery, AOAudio DK1 (what I have), or LM-4, and use the DTXpress as a trigger for the VSTi. This greatly extends the power of the DTXpress. A Lot.


I've also read that some drummers don't particually like mesh heads, so play 'em both before you buy.



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  • 5 weeks later...

there are a new roland set for 1300$ and is awsome!!!!!the sensibility on the pads is great and the cymbals are chokeable....i was on the sam ash and i could try them for a long while and i really enjoy them a lot...im gonna buy them soon....the problem is that there are another one thats pretty similar but have a better "brain" ..i really dont know what to do...one have better pads and etc but the other better computer....some opinion...cyaaaaa

pd the cheaper is the club set...i think the other one is the studio set im not sure..

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In my opinion the Roland is a much better (and more expensive) model than the Dtxpress. I've been doing a lot of research on both lately and purchased a used Roland V-Pro. Although this set is MUCH more than the DTX due to its mesh heads and better brain you may want to check out the Roland V-club set. For about $200 more that the Yamaha you can get,IMO a much better and more expandable set. You don't get the V-pads but I noticed that when playing them both,the club set felt good whereas after a little while on the Yamaha's my hands started to cramp.


It all depends on how much you have to spend, what you're going to use them for (ie. practice, playing out, pro...), and how much you'll use them. I've also noticed on ebay that Roland's hold their value better if you are to "give it up".


Here's a GREAT website:


Although it's mostly Roland discussions you can learn A LOT from it. I know that I have. Good luck.

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