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Honda bass


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I have a HONDA (not HONDO) bass guitar that I'm trying to find out more about.I was told many years ago it was a 79-82 year model. It is neck-thru and is natural color with very light wood.

There is also 4 pick-ups like a strat and active electronics. All the hardware is gold. I was told by the luthier that set it up it was a very high end bass in its day and it still plays fantastic and looks great. Ive looked for years trying to find out info so any input would be greatly appreciated. And yes it does have the same logo on it thats on a honda car!



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My google skills proved to be inadequate. I couldn't find a thing on Honda basses. Interesting.


How many pick-ups did you say it has? A Strat has three. What type are they; P-style, J-style, or soapbar? I assume that it's a four-string.


Sorry that I could not help. Someone here probably can. Good luck and welcome to the forum.

My whole trick is to keep the tune well out in front. If I play Tchaikovsky, I play his melodies and skip his spiritual struggle. ~Liberace
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Crazy! Never heard of it. I agree with your luthier, though; neck-through is definitely not typical on cheap instruments, & certainly not 25 years ago.


My Google skills also bring up bupkus. Do you know that the Honda logo is original to the instrument? Is it possible that someone put the logo on it for kicks?


I'd love to know more about this instrument. Any way you could post a picture?




This reminds me of a story. I had a friend in high school & college who was very nice...but not destined for a career in theoretical physics, if you know what I mean. Her folks were coming into town (where we were in college) & she asked if I'd like to go along to pick them up at the airport. (I knew them all very well.) She borrowed a car for the trip. This thing got a laugh from me: it was an old orange Oldsmobile, & for grins someone had glued a Cadillac script on the dash. We got in, & she pointed to the dash & said, grinning, "Look--a Cadillac!" I chuckled; yeah, some Cadillac, this ghastly orange bucket. Good joke. So we get to the airport, meet her folks, & she says to her dad, beaming, "Wait till you see the car I brought, Dad--it's a Cadillac." They were pretty surprised, but she assured them; she had indeed arrived in a Cadillac. That's when it hit me--she hadn't been joking.


Used car salesmen of the world, take notice. It really can be that easy. Slap a script on it, & suddenly you're selling a rare orange Cadillac Cutlass Supreme.

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Hi Mr. ATM

I'm sure it isnt yamaha . 15 years ago I had a luthier set it up and fix a ground problem and he was able to look it up, so I know its legit.

My son is using it till he can buy something but I'll have some pics up soon.



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A Volvo bass? That would depend...find the guys who designed this, and you're golden:




I guess you could get the designers from the 70s & 80s, & just cover the bass with stickers...you know, stickers that say things like "Visualize World Peace" and "Save Our Volcano." Oh, and a roof-rack. ;)


How about a Saab bass? Then they could have a new slogan: "In the air, on the road, in the groove...it's got to be Saab!" :D

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