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So, what did I miss?

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Hey Maury, congratulations on your marriage. Best wishes to you and your wife.


It sounds like you had a schweet time in Italy. I'm guessing a trip to Mark Bass was not on the itinerary? Maybe next time.

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Thanks again everyone.


NUTT, my musical equipment G.A.S. is under complete control, so there was not trip to Mark Bass. Of course, this has been replaced by camera equpiment G.A.S. (I actually sold the Fender 5 and purchased a lens with the proceeds). Hopefully the latter shows some effect on the photos I took over the honeymoon (coming soon).

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Nice shots, sir! Somehow I get the feeling that there was no shortage of things to photograph in Italy, must have been a blast for a camera enthusiast (on top of all the other honeymoon-related things).



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Thanks, Mr. Pernax. Yes, it is easy to get lost in the viewfinder rather than looking at the world with your own eyes. I tried to restrain myself, so I only took 1,400 shots in the 8 days.


I put the Nikon D200 through the paces and I am pretty happy with it. Most of the issues reside with the operator and a non-calibrated monitor.


Those are my favorite 66. I should get the prints tomorrow.

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Peggy Guggenheim Collection, "The Angel of the City" by Marino Marini


Is that what inspired the song "City of the Angels" by Journey? :D



Mmm... Nikon D200. You and my wife would get along fine; she's rolled the counter (twice now, I think) on her D100. It helps when you couple it to a lenses that cost more than the body. :o (Of course then the challenge is hefting all that equipment around; not easy when you're hiking/backpacking most of the time. ;) )


Maybe you can talk to her about properly archiving her photos. She's done the backups (in duplicate), but the hard drive is still full. :rolleyes: Got to be even worse with 10Mpix versus 6Mpix.


Er, anyway, great pics, great subject matter, and most importantly of all: you didn't get any dust on your CCD chip! :thu:


[Hahahahaha ... I just got to the "Honeymooners" pic of your shadows. I have one like this, too, but it's obvious that we're holding hands. What exactly are you doing with your hands! :o:D ]


Thanks for sharing!

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Thanks RBG. I upgraded from the D70 about a month prior to the wedding.


Archiving? I am an accountant by day, so I am as anal-retentive as they come.


On the trip, I brought my laptop, a portable 80gb hard-drive (small 2.5" drive), and a blank DVDs.


Every night, I copied the photos from the CompactFlash the laptop. Then from the laptop to the portable hard-drive. Then from the laptop to the DVD.


When I got home, I put everything on the home computer (which has a redundant drive for backup). I lock the DVDs away in a fire-safe. I uploaded the "keepers" to two different print houses and my own server.


All together, it was about 25gb of photos in RAW format.


Yeah, it is like that.


Dust on the CCD? I did indeed. I used Nikon Capture's "Dust Off" to clean up the high -stop shots and physically cleaned the sensor when I got back. There was a BIG dust-bunny dead in the middle. Amazing what a bit of software can do.


Unfortunately, in the "Honeymooners" pic, I was just holding my camera. :D

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Nice photos - and wife (Nicola recognised the 'haven't you already taken enough photos?' look in the later pictures...) ;)


I only took just over a thousand in two weeks - fortunately I avoided needing a laptop by being an amateur and using JPEG instead of RAW - still used 5gb of flash ram.


I've yet to do the giant editing job though...



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Originally posted by Tom Capasso:

Nice pictures. I can't believe how happy your wife looks considering....never mind.




Excellent pics, mspa. I admire your diligence in making sure that these pictures don't get lost or anything.


I have a backup 160gb drive...but for some reason, I feel like I should have another backup somewhere.


It can't hurt to buy another hard drive...it only cost me about $100 for the 160gb on ebay (new).




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