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Pignose Hog 30


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I just got a Hog 30, bought on the Bay & plan to use it with my Tobias Acoustic fretless ~ so far the sound is outstanding ~ anybody else have one of these ? How long is the battery time ?

I'm only planning on using it to juice up the volume to compete with some acoust. Guit's and maybe some hand drums etc...

Rock On !!!!



I'm Todbass62 on MySpace
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Mine sits in the studio, and I've taught several lessons using it.


I charged it when brand new back in May, and it's not plugged in. The power light has not yet begun to glow amber, warning low power. I fear I've lost the power adapter!


Handy little beast. My battery rumbles around inside the box, though. I haven't opened it up, but I wonder if they all do that.

Yep. I'm the other voice in the head of davebrownbass.
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Mine is rarely used but I have taken it camping and probably totalled 6-7 hours with no recharge needed.


Great little amp though it could be deeper.

I am toying with the idea of fitting it with a Carvin 8" I have laying around. :idea:




P.S. My battery rattled also Dave. I wedged it with some foam and it is quiet now.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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Wow ~ seems like a good long battery time !

I was fairly impressed with the tone from the little box, I did have to replace the batteries, but the seller covered the cost .

(Beware that the original's are marked keep me charged or I'll die sooner !) I figure I can also use this for other small monitoring/practice applications etc...

Dave, No battery rattle here but there's a rail that holds the batterys that could be tightened or you could do the foam thing.

Thanx for the info. !



I'm Todbass62 on MySpace
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