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Check Out The Bass Monkey


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This is NOT cool - just very boring!
'The most important thing is to settle on a bass then commit to it. Get to know your bass inside and out and play it in every situation you can.' Marcus Miller
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You know, yesterday I was at work and ordered some pizza from Domino's for my coworkers and myself and I was sitting there listening to the specials on the phone and I thought it was just a joke that I could get a Spam and monkey Ultimate Deep Dish with a side of breadsticks and a 2-liter of icy-cold CocaCola for only $18.99! I guess the truth is out there...
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Mr. "Bass Monkey" Greenwise,


If your clip could talk, it'd say:


L-l-look at me.

L-l-look at me.

L-l-loo-oo-oo-oo-ook at me.

L-l-look at me.

L-l-look at me.

L-l-loo-oo-oo-oo-ook a-a-a-at me.


The right hand work isn't bad, but you're still not saying much musically overall. A (partial) blues scale run over one chord center? That's it?


Who are your influences? Who did you study under? How long have you been playing? What styles of music do you like to play? Are you in a band? Do you write whole songs for your band, or do you just come up with interesting bass lines?


What's up with the mask, dude?


Take off the mask and become the bass player you were meant to be!


And chill with us for a bit and people may not be so hostile the next time you post a "cool" youtube. ;)

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Originally posted by mrgreenwise:

This is cool

As opposed to your little You Tube clip which is just one trick over and over.


Do you have anything in the context of a band? Have you written any songs? Do you ever gig? I'd be interested to hear this little trick (and the many others I'm sure you have) in the context of a song with a band. Standing alone it's worth a "gee, look at that", but that's about it.

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Originally posted by mrgreenwise:

This is cool

Really un cool.

What it is - a crappy way to introduce yourself at this particular forum. I would suggest you find an "Introduce Yourself" thread and try again or, maybe try one of the other forums and see what kind of reception you get there.


"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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"Would you like to touch my monkey? Touch him! Touch my monkey!"



"Paranoid? Probably. But just because you're paranoid doesn't mean there isn't an invisible demon about to eat your face."

Harry Dresden, Storm Front

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wow...a COMPLETE waste of 13 seconds.


Before the clip started and the only visual was the first frame i was like "ooooh a bass monkey".


thank you for wasting my time.


If that's you playing, I can appreciate your technique.


If you are just promoting something that you thought was cool, I hope that one day while watching the (insert championship sporting event that you wont miss for anything) your television turns off during the deciding moment...only to hear the announcer say "What an incredible play, too bad we can never show THAT on tv again" when your tv cuts back on.


jason "welcome to the forum" atkins


Soli Deo Gloria


"it's the beauty of a community. it takes a village to raise a[n] [LLroomtempJ]." -robb


My YouTube Channel

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