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Aguilar AG 500 maybe?


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I would like to know if anyone has been using the Aguilar AG500 heads. I did a search or two and only found some fairly old references.

I am thinking about a new head to use with my 2 Bergantino HT112's.

I want something fairly light weight and the Aguilar seems to fit the bill in terms of spec (and will also fit on top of my cabs without hanging over the sides - it's got to look right too hasn't it?! :cool: )

I noticed that Gerald Veasley is listed on the Aguilar website as an endorser/user too and I always love his sound.

I will be replacing an Ashdown ABM500 which has been fine but it just seems a bit one-toned now, if that makes sense. I've just got bored with it perhaps. And anyway I just want a change! ;)

My main bass is a Warwick Streamer LX 4 string, although I sometimes play a Precision. I want an amp that will be versatile enough to cover all my gigs from function band covers (dance floor fillers) to rock and blues to jazz.

The Eden WTs, Ampeg PortaBass800 and Epifani 502 are in a similar, if slightly higher price bracket (in the UK at least) so any comparisons would be useful.

I've not been able to try too much out in person yet and I know I need to before I commit - I'm just trying to get a feel for what I should be tracking down on my shopping mission.


'The most important thing is to settle on a bass then commit to it. Get to know your bass inside and out and play it in every situation you can.' Marcus Miller
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Originally posted by Barks:

I will be replacing an Ashdown ABM500 which has been fine but it just seems a bit one-toned now, if that makes sense.

that makes perfect sense. that's my one complaint about ashdown gear. the way it colours the tone is very strong and very unavoidable. most people like that colour, but it's all you get.


that said, i don't really have any experience with the AG 500. i wish i could help. your best source for information is probably talkbass.com. i'm sure several people there have or have tried one.



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Also no experience with the AG 500. I've played gigs with an Eden 550. I thought it was OK (certainly flexible). I have an EA iAmp 500 which I find to be quite flexible (and easier to use than I ever expected). I haven't played the Epifani, but like the look of it and features that it includes.


Note that my playing experience with the Eden and iAmp is with Berg HT and EX 112s.




Acoustic Color


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  • 5 months later...

I went out to try the AG500 single channel amp again yesterday and this time I could not resist! It really does sound just how I want a bass amp to sound (so far at least). Just had to buy it!


For those who may be interested in such things I will try and report back after a week or two on how it is going longer term.


(I must also mention that the shop I went to was Machine Head in Hitchin in the UK and they have a room half full of all the new Aguilar stuff. You could almost reach out and touch the GAS!)



'The most important thing is to settle on a bass then commit to it. Get to know your bass inside and out and play it in every situation you can.' Marcus Miller
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I tried an AG500 once. If you are looking for versatility, definitely go with the standard 2 channel model as opposed to the AG500SC (Single Channel).


I really liked that amp. When I upgraded my rig I did consider it, but ultimately decided that getting seperates was the way to go.


The AG500 has a great rock and driving blues tone on that overdrive channel. The clean tone was really good if I remember correctly. I'd imagine you can play some of your dance/pop standards as well as any country stuff on the clean channel.


I really don't think you are making a bad decision picking up the Aguilar. I don't think I've heard a "bad" report on their gear other than the weight of some of their tube stuff. The AG500 was pretty light too.

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Barks, I've been meaning to go to Machine Head in Hitchin for some time. Now i'll definitely make it a priority. I've always wanted to try the Agys.



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