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OT: I'm reading an outstanding book


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I'm about two-thirds of the way through Neil Peart's Ghost Rider. As you should all know, Neil is the drummer for Rush, and as some of you may not know, he endured some crushing personal losses that very nearly ended one of the most distinguished drumming careers in rock history. In 1997, his only child, Serena, was killed in a car crash on her way to college. His wife, devastated by the loss, died ten months later, officially of cancer and a series of strokes, but according to Neil, of a broken heart. Numb to the world and not knowing how to carry on, Neil told his bandmates to consider him 'retired', loaded up his BMW touring bike, and just... split.


His travels took him from his home in Quebec to Alaska, down through the desert southwest to Mexico City and as far as Belize, and back again. Along the way he began to find a way to live again. The two concepts that kept him alive, he said, were learning how to take care of his "little baby soul," and clinging desperately to the idea that "Something will come up."


I can't recommend this book strongly enough to anyone who has recently suffered a huge loss or hurt, who is wondering what, if anything, life has left to offer. I wish I'd had this book six months ago, when the hurt of my ex-fiancee's betrayal was still fresh. The loss is different, but the pain, as Neil describes it, is the same. If you have recently lost a loved one, or a lover, or if you are suffering in any way - or if you just want to see how your favorite drummer handled this mountain of shit - RUSH out and buy this book.

"I had to have something, and it wasn't there. I couldn't go down the street and buy it, so I built it."


Les Paul

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