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Good lightweight cab?

DC Ross

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Hey guys & gals,


I'm starting a search for a good lightweight cabinet. My main rig is a Dingwall ABII through an SWR 750x into an Ampeg 410hlf. It sounds great, but lifting that cab is taking a toll on my back.


So... I'm looking for something that's relatively lightweight (under 50lbs would be good) that can handle the way lows and hang loudly with a rock drummer. Price is somewhat of a concern, but I'll spend a bit if the perfect cab comes along.


Bestow your wisdom upon me, O Great Gurus of the LowDown :D

It's not simple to be simple.

-H. Matisse


Ross Precision Guitars

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There are many lightweight cabs available nowadays :) They typically have neodymium magnets (I believe these are lighter than the "standard" speaker magnets). I have seen such speakers in Ampeg and Markbass cabs, but I'm sure there are many other manufacturers that other forum members can mention.

EB MusicMan SR4 (x2)

Fender 60th USA Precision

MarkBass LM II

MarkBass 151P



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With a high-end bass like that you should go ahead and spring for something nice like an AccuGroove whappo Jr. or a pair of Acme's, although from what I've heard here you might be a little underpowered for a pair of Acmes.





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How about a Schroeder 21012L or 410L, or Epifani UL-410?


Or if you have access to a circular saw and are not totally hopeless at woodwork, build one of these:






It's a horn-loaded 2x10" cab, which will put out as much sound as a decent 4x10" whilst weighing under 50lbs and costing only $150 to build.



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Might be slightly heavier than what you're looking for but it still looks quite compact for a 4x10 and those handles look pretty useful.


Love to try one myself but I don't need something that big.

EA 4x10

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Originally posted by DC Ross:

I'm starting a search for a good lightweight cabinet. My main rig is a Dingwall ABII through an SWR 750x into an Ampeg 410hlf. It sounds great, but lifting that cab is taking a toll on my back.

Funny, that's how I wound up with my SWR Goliath II cabinet. (swapped a fellow bass player for an Ampeg 410HLF cabinet, which I thought failed to live up to the Ampeg reputation) I still have that SWR, but if you want to keep that vibe going with less weight, I strongly recommend the cabinets I jam through a lot (and have first dibs on buying when the owner decides to sell them) - SWR Goliath Jr III (8 ohm model). It's 55 lbs., so it may be a little heavier than you're looking for, but I've played it several times and to me it's worth the extra weight in sound.


Now a lot of Forumites are going to tell you one of these at 4 ohms is more than enough, and they're almost right. I'm telling you that two is better because the combined air moved by four 10" speakers is worth the extra cartage and expense of a 2nd cabinet. Other bass players I know locally are also on to the 2x10 combined with another 2x10 or, in my case, with a 15" cabinet. There are used cabinets around and some of the big superguitarmarket chains are blowing out their remaining SWR pre-Fender inventory to make way for the newer models, so deals are to be had if you shop around a little.

Again, all this is personal, you may be looking for a different sound. :wave:

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Originally posted by C. Alexander Claber:

How about a Schroeder 21012L or 410L, or Epifani UL-410?


Or if you have access to a circular saw and are not totally hopeless at woodwork, build one of these:






It's a horn-loaded 2x10" cab, which will put out as much sound as a decent 4x10" whilst weighing under 50lbs and costing only $150 to build.



Thanks for all the replys! That Epifany looks sweet and 57 lbs... :love: It's pricey, but I'd love to check one out.


I really like the idea of building an enclosure. I don't know why I didn't think of that since I really enjoy carpentry. I posted a question on the Bill Fitzmaurice forum that you pointed me to, but all I got were smartass replys. Have you built on of his enclosures? What are your impressions (sonically)?


Thanks again!


It's not simple to be simple.

-H. Matisse


Ross Precision Guitars

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I would say check out Mark Bass Cabs and combos. They claim to have some of the lightest gear in the industry. Phil Jones has some nice stuff too in a compact package. Might not have enough wattage for you though........ Epifani has the best cabs I've heard, but they are VERY expensive. A 600 watt combo is gonna run $1850 or more. Research Hartke, Phil Jones, Mark, and the makers of a fine hand truck.........
"sometimes you're the baseball. Sometimes you're the bat."
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Originally posted by DC Ross:

I really like the idea of building an enclosure. I don't know why I didn't think of that since I really enjoy carpentry. I posted a question on the Bill Fitzmaurice forum that you pointed me to, but all I got were smartass replys.

Just been to their forum and am really not impressed. I'll contact Bill directly.


I haven't built or heard one of these designs but I've heard enough good feedback about them and of course, I've seen the frequency response curves - which are a welcome novelty for bass cabs!


If I were looking to get a new rig then I'd be very likely to build a few half-size Omni 10s. However, as it stands my Acmes are a bit heavier but more compact and although they need a lot of power, I have that power so it's not a problem.



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Re: Markbass gear


ALthough they've advertised heavily in B.P. and got a real swell write-up in B.P.'s Soundroom, they will not be available till August in the USA. But I want one real bad right now.



Paul K

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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Many have enjoyed carrying Flite cabs.




Genz Benz has some neo cabs - I haven't done the homework, but I thought they were light.




Acoustic Color


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