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Oh no!! not another "what should I buy thread"

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hooray,new band = GAS


looks like I need to get a small/practice type combo


I have the big rig, but its just too big for take to some places


I really would love to get something like the Hartke fold back type combo


the things I am looking for are


1) 100 - 150 watts

2) 1 x 15 maybe 1 x 12

3) abilty to use as a bass monitor

4) tilt back

5) not too heavy

6) solidstate


any thoughts?

no beer until July 1
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Ashdown Electric Blue 180 watt combo in either the 12" or the 15" version.


I prefer the 12" ;)


A really great little amp! Very nice tone, heaps of volume, very portable. Lots of features, including two external cab outs, XLR DI out, effects send and return, tuner out, versatile EQ, built in octaver etc etc etc...


It doesn't have the tilt back feature you listed, but you could fit a fold out tilt back leg as found on the Warwick Blue Cab, Take 12 and Sweet combos very easily. It'd be about a two minute job. :D


Street price in Australia for this amp is around $700 +/- AUD.


Check it out here:



Definitely well worth checking out.



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The amp that clearly fits your criteria is the GK Microbass; it was designed for precisely that use. There is no tiltback, but you can actually attach it to a mic stand to use as a stage monitor.


The Nemesis is a nice choice, but it's rated at 300 watts. Much larger, but not heavier. A great sounding performance amp in its own right.


I have both. I couldn't live without either. My GK is my primary amp.

Yep. I'm the other voice in the head of davebrownbass.
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My Genz Benz is exactly what you describe & I really like it a lot. But they'll be hard to come by in these parts...the only dealer in Australia, according to the website, is here:


And it's in Victoria.


From what I've seen, your best bet (for local price & availability) is probably something from GK.

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Man, I keep hearing good things about those little GK MB150's...how well does that little 26lb package handle a 5-string?


I would 2nd a Nemesis NC-210 if you can find one...it's a great sounding gigable combo in about a 50 lb or so package.



Old bass players never die, they just buy lighter rigs.

- Tom Capasso, 11/9/2006


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No experience with the Ashton amps. Very, very underwhelmed with their guitars, though; the acoustics sound like absolute poo, imho. Not saying the amps aren't good--I believe the endorsement. Still, I'm wary.
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When the "Working Pro" line was still the "Working Man" line, I used to play through the 1x15" in a lot of shops, and really liked it. Came very close to getting one, but something else came along. I reckon the 1x12" would be great (my combo, not an SWR, is a 12").
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I have liked all of the SWR stuff I've played through. Haven't played through the Working Pro 1x12 yet, but SWR is making some quality stuff.
My whole trick is to keep the tune well out in front. If I play Tchaikovsky, I play his melodies and skip his spiritual struggle. ~Liberace
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My first amp was a Workingmans 12 and it was great, I probably didn't really appreciate it enough as I was just starting out and I "inherited" it from a friend. As is usual with me, I traded it in and regretted it. Even though I now have combo sized kit, it would still come in handy sometimes.


For the size it was quite a weighty beast though.

Now theres three of you in a band, youre like a proper band. Youre like the policemen.
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