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SWR Redhead is HOTT!


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Did some searches and no luck. Do any Redhead owners (not yer tempermental girlfriends) notice the cooling fan kicking on extremely fast once you start playing? This weekend I played with a choir and after the first song the fan kicked in and it was loud enough to be heard throughout the church. A little embarassing but easily turned it off. It was a little warm in the church but I was at a level of 1.5 both pre and power. Not loud at all to heat the amp up.

Anyone having similar characteristics with their Redheads? Does it come across as normal operating procedure?



ps-The amp is killer love the sound and performance of it.

Don't have a job you don't enjoy. If you're happy in what you're doing, you'll like yourself, you'll have inner peace. ~ Johnny Carson
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I have a Super Redhead. I haven't found that the fan kicks in surprisingly soon.


How do you have your amp positioned? Is it up against a wall, for instance, leaving little room for air to circulate around the amp?


If the fan really is too loud in that situation, you're not playing for a really long stretch, and the amp doesn't feel like it's getting really hot, you can probably just keep the fan turned off. However, you still want to be sure there's at least a little space around the amp for air to circulate.






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I would really be tempted to find a quieter fan to cool it down. Amps can be overheated fairly easily, and damage will certainly occur. I'm sure there are some computer fans that are quiet that will fit in the same space. They may not move as much air but would certainly be better than no fan. I'm sure SWR never thought that the unit will be used in a quiet environment.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

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When I had mine, the fan was never an issue. In the studio, I just turned it off. But, it never turned on too quickly. You also may need to clean the fan guard. Mine would get some dust bunnies around it every now and then. I would do what Willie said and make sure there is plenty of airspace around the amp.
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i have a carvin R1000, and man that things front panel heats up fast. i have it in a SKB rack case, and even with good front and back ventalation, that thing gets so frigg'n hot i can barely touch the front of it after an hour of practice.


i wonder if that is normal.


i've heard many people say that this is fine, since the front is a sort of heat sink, but i still get worried.






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I tried out a Redhead today with my new bass. Sweet amp! Don't know about cooling issues with that amp, but I do know that my SWR SM-400 runs really hot. And that one doesn't have a fan built in.

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Thanks for the input.


The amp was in an open area so plenty of air movement but I'll check the venting area and see if there is any obstructions. I mean with that being the power source I guess it would theoretically heat up. I haven't played in in that quiet of a setting before. Surprising I could hear at all! I'll check out all these options and if its still acting funny to me I have a tech look at it.


Thanks BassBrothers,


Don't have a job you don't enjoy. If you're happy in what you're doing, you'll like yourself, you'll have inner peace. ~ Johnny Carson
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I wouldn't worry about it - I bet you're the only person that notices it!


However, I see from SWR's website that there is fan defeat switch, in which case I'd used that and then just check that the front panel isn't getting too hot. If the switch is easy to reach, you could always switch the fan on once the band starts and switch it off for the quieter moments.



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Originally posted by C. Alexander Claber:

If the switch is easy to reach, you could always switch the fan on once the band starts and switch it off for the quieter moments.



Yeah, or hook it up to a footswitch, should be easy to do. Or maybe build a single rackspace sized device which administers liquid nitrogen inside the amp at regular intervals. You could name it the "Holy Spirit 5000", it should drive the congregation wild! :D
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Originally posted by Pernax:

Yeah, or hook it up to a footswitch, should be easy to do. Or maybe build a single rackspace sized device which administers liquid nitrogen inside the amp at regular intervals. You could name it the "Holy Spirit 5000", it should drive the congregation wild! :D

That was the end result of quickly switching it on and or off. It worked out fine.

I don't think the "Holy Spirit 5000" would of helped in this case. My bandmates (gtr & drums) and I were backing up the PGMC (Providence Gay Men's Chorus) for 2 performances. Great singers, from a distance. Everytime that we'd get introduced one of us would automatically state our orientation, like a reflex. :D

Maybe a "Fermented Spirit 5000" might have made it easier. Water to wine....and the low end...just heavenly! :thu:



Don't have a job you don't enjoy. If you're happy in what you're doing, you'll like yourself, you'll have inner peace. ~ Johnny Carson
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