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Ampeg PBC-228


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Anyone have one of these amps? I have a Yamaha Attitude bass and thought the dual channel input, 200 watts, and 35lb weight would be handy for rehersals or even small gigs instead of staggeing around with my stack and rack gear.


I can't find any reviews online...




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Funny, I did a Google image search and it brought me to THIS thread from our very own LowDown.


Looks like a winner - but looks don't mean much. If you can find a dealer with a good return policy, it would be worthwhile to rehearse or gig with it. What I can't manage to find online is the manual/specs that indicate if it has a DI built in. It does have a Line Out Level Control, so one might assume there's an XLR to go with it. IMHO that's a huge feature in a gigable combo - especially one this compact.

- Matt W.
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Thanks, Matt.


I found lots of images and I read everything from Ampegs site, but I was hoping for reviews from bass players. None of local dealers carry the thing in stock although several say they'd order it. so I'll have to ask about their return policy. I'll send the guy that posted that thread a PM though. Thanks!

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