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Starting Upright


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Good or affordable? For the most part, you really get what you pay for with these beasts.


If you're just starting, go to your local Sam Ash (I can't remember if Guitar Center carries them) and check out whatever they have. If you have any highscool or college music programs in the area you can see if any of them are trying to sell any old instruments or if their teachers might be able to point you in the right direction.

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I would suggest a rental to see if you like it, and a teacher. I'm doing a similar thing through my school. I think even a decent upright goes for about 2000 dollars. If you're sure about the investment I suggesst something from Bob Gollihur. Thos bulgarian basses look like a good value to me. Still, I think a rental is the best path.
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Do yourself a huge favor and start out with lessons, you may even want to seek out a teacher before choosing a bass. While tuned the same as an electric bass, it is a very different instrument, and starting off with the proper techniques will be far more productive and far less frustrating. Rental basses can be pigs, as far as set-up and strings go, so having an experienced player critique the instrument can also benefit you, to determine if you are wrestling a bear. I'll bet a lot of players give up only because the instrument they are starting with is nearly impossible to play because of its lack of setup.


Welcome to the dark side!!

1000 Upright Bass Links, Luthier Directory, Teacher Directory - http://www.gollihurmusic.com/links.cfm


[highlight] - Life is too short for bad tone - [/highlight]

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Get a good teacher.


You are in Dallas? Where are you renting for $64 per month? Going rate is a bit more than that.


While I hate to bang my own drum here, Arlington is not so far from Dallas. I'm known as a fair to middlin' teacher of URB. I've been teaching it for about 20 years now.


After spring break, I might even have some room for a new student.


Sorry y'all, about the shameless plug. I just don't want to see a newbie messed around.

Yep. I'm the other voice in the head of davebrownbass.
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Originally posted by cloclo:

Originally posted by ArwinH:

upright is definitely a nice instrument to be adept on.

amen to that!


you could do stuff like this:



(just waiting for a moment to share that link :D )

Or this one:



Enjoy upright. I'm trying to get back into my favorite way of playing bass.



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