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Bass Magic


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Hrm ... they packaged private lessons into software? More interactive than a $10 bass lesson book. Doesn't look like they canned the human intelligence of an instructor, though, especially to observe your technique and correct deficiencies. Does it have any practice aids, like telling you which notes/pitches/rhythms you played wrong? (Some other softwares will do this for you.) How about motivation? Nothing like regular weekly lessons to get your butt in gear and practice.


Unless you're extremely self-motivated and learn well on your own (read: like to beat your head against a wall until you figure it out), I'd say private lessons is still a better value. And if you're really that motivated and clever, you can probably save a few bucks and buy books and CDs instead.

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Originally posted by Mighty Thumb:

I'm curious about a lot of these "magic" trainers/courses/whatchamacallits.


What about this ? Or this ? I've always wanted to know if these (and numerous others like it) are a bunch of hooey or not.


Not trying to hijack your thread, it just struck a particular curiosity of mine.

Hooey is putting it mildly for the links you gave.


But the subject of this thread actually appears to be a complete method without so-called shortcuts. But if you were going to teach yourself you could buy a lot of music books for $200.

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Who knows?


This might be incredible, but I'm not gonna drop 200 bucks to find out.


I was a self taught bassist for many years, but I did my strongest growth when I was taking lessons...and not from the lessons themselves. It was from trying to impress my teacher.


Technology is wonderful.


Education is human connection.

Yep. I'm the other voice in the head of davebrownbass.
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Originally posted by Dr. Sweet Willie:

Originally posted by Dave Brown:

Education is human connection.

Nicely phrased. Mo' power to ya'.




Thanks for the kind words, Doctor.


I've often thought that if I were to pursue a graduate degree in education, this would be the theme of my thesis or dissertation.


And I'd probably have to fight with the educational theorists, who would contend that education is about lesson plan structure or developing students' desires or self-value.


Teachers who tell stories, who connect in some very human way with children are the ones they remember, the ones they strive to please. We all have such teachers in our lives.


I just wish the education community would be honest with the public about this. "We pay our teachers to tell life stories to kids, sometimes about music, sometimes about math, sometimes about reading."


And the ones who connect the most are the most valuable.


I'm looking for a speaker I heard at the TMEA convention who's written a book about this.


Here's the guy, Dr. James Jordan . A choral conductor and profound story teller.


And Dr. Jordan turned me on to Dr. Parker J. Palmer, author of "The Courage to Teach."


And, to Dr. William Lowell Randall, and the book "The Stories We Are," which I haven't yet read, but I will.

Yep. I'm the other voice in the head of davebrownbass.
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Teachers who tell stories, who connect in some very human way with children are the ones they remember, the ones they strive to please. We all have such teachers in our lives.

Well said. I will always remember my 3rd grade math teacher Mr. Steimack; not just for teaching math, but for telling stories about being a WWII PT boat pilot in the South Pacific - with chalkboard illustrations - and tying it into math. (He also removed a trouble maker from the class by his ears once - a truly memorable moment!) I wish he had taught music theory.....
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