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Hurricane Wilma - Florida LowDowners OK?

Connie Z

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Sorry it took me so long to post this, but I want to ask if any of our Florida LowDowners were affected by Wilma, and if everyone is OK?


Although I know that power is still out in a lot of the area, but has anyone heard from anyone?


Does anyone need anything?


How many LowDowners from that far South in Florida.


... connie z

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My brother Jeff lives in Ft Lauderdale..

He is flying up tonite to celebrate my sisters 50th. and returning Sunday nite.

We are going to assemble a care package for him to bring back to FLA since he still is w/o power and the gas stations are still off line due to no power at the pumps.

No AC...food is limited due to the lack of refrigeration..

But he is OK ..his home was damaged during the storm..



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As a Firefighter/Paramedic, I just finished working 80 hours this week, starting the night prior to it hitting our coast. The hurricane hit south of us, as I live in Ft. Myers, but we took some significant damage and spent the first few days making sure we had access to our district for calls and helping our neighboring fire districts to the south. Overall we were lucky this year, as last year's run of storms knocked down most of the weak trees.


In regards to my house, I only lost electricity for a day and a half, I am told. The only real damage was my large Silver Oak in my back yard. I was told by a next door neighbor that I had a tornado start up in my back yard. As far as the family was concerned, the wife and my two girls went to Tampa for a few days. Therefore, I did not have to stress about them while I was on duty.


Overall, this was a joke compared to our fellow Lowdowners who were effected by Katrina. But I appreciate your concerns.


The only other fellow Lowdowner that I know of that may have been effected by this is ATM. I am sure he may be quite busy atm(hehe).


I am tired.



"Some people are like "slinkies". They're not really good for anything;

but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a

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Originally posted by Stackimo:

I am tired.

Hey Stackimo - I know the feeling. 72 hours straight from Sunday evening to Wednesday evening at County facilities, then straight 8's for the rest of the week.


Palm Beach County got hit hard, but not as bad as northern Broward. Miami-Dade has 50%+ back on electric, but Broward and PB counties are closer to 25%.


Sewage back-ups and water pressures are bad because of the power situation. FP&L says we won't be close to having full power until November 20 (@ 95%).


Personally - 33% of my roof is gone. It can't be tarped until a City inspector checks it, (he won't look at it if it is tarped) and he can't come out because he can't fuel his vehicle. He can't fuel his vehicle because there is no power. The fuel can't get to the station, because the port has no power, which is moot because they can't pump it anyway.


In the meantime, rain is forecast. Rainfall could find its' way thru' the (approx 75 square foot) hole in my roof causing wall/ceiling damage in my apartment, which may cause the 5" thick concrete fire barrier to collapse on my head because I can't tarp the roof because the Inspector can't come out because...


Other than that - I'm alive, I have electricity (which courses thru the lines in the wall which may become rain-soaked) and my daughter is now safe having left for Vero Beach with her Mom, and I have one Monster Paycheck headed my way that could solve several GAS issues with a single blow (unless I'm Steve C.)


Beautiful days, tho', here since Wilma blew...


Some pics taken from work during the front side of the storm, the eye of the storm, and post Wilma - including the Wetlands that are on site:


24 hours of Wilma


Confirmed RoscoeHead

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We/I got lucky. Five blocks south of me, no power for over 10 miles. My power flickered on and off Monday morning, making it difficult to sleep in when the radio kept cutting out. I currently have weekends off, so I didn't get back to work till Tuesday. Had to sit home on Monday, with pay. The cold front right after the storm brought temps down into the low 70's and very low humidity. Ended up having a BBQ at a friend's house.


Thing is, Charley took care of most of the problems we would have. The weaker trees, down. The old power pole, replaced. The old power lines, replaced. Hurricane shutters at the plant, up all dern summer. Hurricane supplies, stocked up since May. Apartment that's been standing here since 1924, like a rock. Full coverage on the truck and renter's insurance, paid up. Pignose battery powered amp, charged up. Peace of mind to go to sleep when the wind is howling, priceless.


And another thing is, up until August last year, quite a few people down here didn't think that that much planning was necessary. Many this year still didn't. Like I said last year, "Once is a fluke, two or three is a trend."


Thanks for asking about us Connie. Hope your repairs are coming along.


Jim, that inspection policy is totally #@$%ed up! :mad: Almost every insurance company will not cover damage to a home done after a hurricane if no action was taken. I'd sick a few hundred insurance adjusters on city hall for that one. No Operation Blue Tarp?! Send those inspectors back to FEMA.


Anyway, doing well here. Still wondering about Spookykid. And how about that new kid from Miami? Ran into a woman the other day who's son called from Miami and begged for them to drive some gas over for their generator. Hey Jim, need a few gallons?



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