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The AccuGroove Situation - I'd like an answer: Anyone else?


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I just can't afford any more to take it too personally, Alex. Almost all of them have BS'd me when I've emailed or called. I usually request T-S specs after that ; }


I don't feel any more confident about what a lot of bassists have told me over the internet about various rigs, either. Guys telling me this or that goes lower, this is louder, and then I see in other posts that they really can't differentiate between various phenomena, talk about things they really don't understand etc.


Of course specsmanship and sidestepping are sales tools that will be used when that is the case. There's hardly anything to stop the cycle. It's not fun being point man for gear truth on forums either. You end up getting a lot of sullen crap or people try to pretend you don't exist. A lot of them won't talk to you, play little ego games. Slights, attributing credit to others later on, etc.


Only lately because of this Accugroove situation does there seem to be any minor groundswell of approbation, for a few more people - like some wool is coming off a few more eyes. But I figure we'll be back to pointless threads about my Chevy is better than your Ford in months. Man, I just feel washed out by all this.

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Originally posted by davio:

On one battle field people are attacking AG for baseless claims but on the other Mark Write is being personally attacked. Let me try to clarify.

Since when does empirical evidence constitute "baseless" claims?


As an extreme example, if I take a video of someone punching a kid in the face, should I not start accusing the person of wrongdoing until the person who did it until they found a convenient time to defend the allegations?


Get a grip.


Mark advertised himself as the heart and soul of AG. While it would be convenient to disaggregate the two now, I


Eden, SWR, etc. have gotten plenty of grief on this forum and others regarding their specifications; however, there are classes of gear, and AG did advertise as boutique and unique, putting it into the class of Aguilar, Epifani, Bergantino, Glockenlang, etc... it is a different set of standards.

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If you want to evaluate a speaker, or an amp for that matter, you need to use a signal generator.

Set it up for sine wave, (a pure fundamental tone) and sweep it down from say 1kHZ to 20 HZ. Even a fairly cheap studio monitor will put most bass cabinets to shame when it comes to flat frequency response. But than again a studio monitor will not last for two songs if used for a bass cabinet at a gig.

It all about compromise.

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Thank you Alex, that was an explanation that was very well stated. Except for the last paragraph which sounds peevish beyond your years.


I make no claim to golden eared anything; I'm the humblest dude in here, no matter what some of these other poseurs say. It isn't that I haven't bothered to try anything else, rather that I don't have access to pro sub-woofers and such. The reason that I didn't pursue the Acme cab further was that the reputed power requirements wouldn't be a good fit for a band that at any given gig usually has one 120V/15A circuit available.





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Originally posted by way2fat:

I'm the humblest dude in here, no matter what some of these other poseurs say.

No way, dude. I'm WAY more humble than you ever thought about being. I'm probably the humblest guy on the planet, if not in the solar system, galaxy, or even the universe and quite possibly even the multiverse. I warn you, don't EVEN try to compete with me on this subject. :mad:

You can stop now -jeremyc

STOP QUOTING EVERY THING I SAY!!! -Bass_god_offspring

lug, you should add that statement to you signature.-Tenstrum

I'm not sure any argument can top lug's. - Sweet Willie


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Originally posted by getz76:

Originally posted by davio:

On one battle field people are attacking AG for baseless claims but on the other Mark Write is being personally attacked. Let me try to clarify.

Since when does empirical evidence constitute "baseless" claims?


As an extreme example, if I take a video of someone punching a kid in the face, should I not start accusing the person of wrongdoing until the person who did it until they found a convenient time to defend the allegations?


Get a grip.


Mark advertised himself as the heart and soul of AG. While it would be convenient to disaggregate the two now, I


Eden, SWR, etc. have gotten plenty of grief on this forum and others regarding their specifications; however, there are classes of gear, and AG did advertise as boutique and unique, putting it into the class of Aguilar, Epifani, Bergantino, Glockenlang, etc... it is a different set of standards.

Well, if you really want to keep arguing what I had done my best to withdraw from the conversation, I wasn't refering to the accusations as "baseless claims" but rather AG's specs and claims about the AccuSwitch being fictional. Now that I hope we can lay that to rest (see my last few posts), I'm sorry for trying to impose my view upon all of you. I've been shown the err of my ways and my view has been effectively changed on the AG issue.


Peace out.

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Not aimed at you GB, I don't consider you a poseur at all. It was a reference to a previous thread. A thread in which more than a few of our bretheren had the chutzpah to suggest that they were more humble than i.(I'm so humble i don't even caoitalize "i"). As if. :rolleyes:





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I feel that my thunder has been somewhat snatched on this whole "humble" thing. I'd point out the culprits, but my nature tells me not to.

You can stop now -jeremyc

STOP QUOTING EVERY THING I SAY!!! -Bass_god_offspring

lug, you should add that statement to you signature.-Tenstrum

I'm not sure any argument can top lug's. - Sweet Willie


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I'm a poseur, but I'm well beyond humble. This forum has taught me how to surgically remove my ego. I put it aside for safekeeping. I'm not in the least bit concerned anymore that I'm not the greatest bass player in the world, determined either by my abilities or accomplishments. And I'm no better than the "tone deaf". See? That stuff doesn't matter if you don't have an ego. So I'll happily wear the label poseur if that's an accurate assessment. I'll continue making music and playing bass to the best of my abilities, which I hope have been improving over the years. Is my ego bruised? I don't know, it's in a box somewhere.


I have no idea what this has to do with the AccuSwitch.

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I don't believe anyone who says their ego is in a box somewhere - unless they ARE that box they are referring to. I sure haven't met or talked or worked with anyone who doesn't engage it in various ways, subtle or gross. Some however, have supressed its use in direct fashion, whereupon it comes out though the cracks in less suspected and damaging ways.


We were not just given one to put it in a box, but to learn to use it wisely. That's how some of these guys above became so humble. They have learned at the foot of some master. It must have been those vacations at Tibetan monasteries.


The Accuswitch is another expression of that perhaps, and it WAS put into a box (lazy attempt at wasting the thread further).

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Originally posted by greenboy:

I don't believe anyone who says their ego is in a box somewhere - unless they ARE that box they are referring to. I sure haven't met or talked or worked with anyone who doesn't engage it in various ways, subtle or gross. Some however, have supressed its use in direct fashion, whereupon it comes out though the cracks in less suspected and damaging ways.


We were not just given one to put it in a box, but to learn to use it wisely. That's how some of these guys above became so humble. They have learned at the foot of some master. It must have been those vacations at Tibetan monasteries.


The Accuswitch is another expression of that perhaps, and it WAS put into a box (lazy attempt at wasting the thread further).

Do you mean that ego is not a dirty word?
A man is not usually called upon to have an opinion of his own talents at all; he can very well go on improving them to the best of his ability without deciding on his own precise niche in the temple of Fame. -- C.S.Lewis
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No offense taken, bro. We're expecting a resolution early this week. I expect to send the LD a thumbs up soon. I don't blame you for being curious, I would be too. BTW, thanks for the address on the pm. I haven't forgot; I just got called back to work and they hold back the first two weeks pay.





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  • 2 weeks later...
My satisfactory resolution has arrived and there is thunder on the farm again ladies and gentlemen. Yeah, baby. BTW, I recently came across an article from a few years back about a costly mistake made by NASA on one of their programs. It seems that some degreed engineers forgot to convert their calculations to metric figures. I mention this by way of noting that very smart people can make very elementary mistakes, even rocket scientists.





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Well, I'm really not so credulous as to believe that the elementary understanding of capacitors hasn't been around for many decades - and that even entry-level students and unschooled tinkerers (that's me) are not privy to this knowledge.


And I know that if a cap came in a metric, and a non-metric version, that neither would make circuit that could switch a cab between 4 ohms and 8 ohms ; }


I hope Accugroove or any defenders of Accugroove do not take the low road of using a poor excuse such as this when they finally deal with the Accuswitch Public Travesty (if they do). Because no matter how many cocktail-napkin mistakes even the best can make when doing math, everybody with an ounce of electronics reading or tinkering should realize that a cap is not a transformer, or a dual voice coil, or some alien technology. And no math ever need be involved to determine this.

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Hmmm...so the implication is that the AccuSwitch was checked for correctness with DC, but the designer forgot to check it with AC. Okey dokey. If we were talking again about health magnets, I guess you could say that the purveyors of that particular flavor of medical device "forgot" to do clinical trials.


Edit: I'm sorry to be so critical about this situation, but given the price and claims around AccuGroove's products, my expectations have been set quite high, and set quite high by AccuGroove no less. If the AccuSwitch suffers from such a simple mistake, what other characteristics of the AccuGroove cabs suffer from similar simple mistakes?


The saving grace here is that Mark does appear to be doing the right thing and standing behind the product. Given AccuGroove's status as a small company, I'd wonder if they could manage to do that on a large scale if it became necessary.



Old bass players never die, they just buy lighter rigs.

- Tom Capasso, 11/9/2006


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Having spent a fair portion of my misspent youth as a bona-fide f***up, I can testify from personal experience that it is ALWAYS better in the long run to acknowledge when you've done wrong, make the amends that you can make and try to start over. I don't know what AG will do publicly, I think it depends on how deeply lawyers are involved and how badly the competition wants to keep the issue alive for flogging. If I were AG I think I would say something like "We got carried away with some of our advertising claims, we were wrong to do that and we're sorry that we did. We will do whatever it takes to regain the trust of our dealers and customers." My personal situation was handled promptly with no excuses or rationalizations attempted. I hope that carries on to the bigger picture, because I don't think there can be to many manufacturers of high quality bass cabs. After all, wasn't it Jesus who said "Beat your swords into subwoofers"?





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Well said, way2fat. However, I'd imagine the flogging will continue until Mark decides to make a public statement. As I understand it, Mark worked pretty hard to build relationships with clients when things were good. From a business perspective, you have to do the exact same thing when things aren't good.



Old bass players never die, they just buy lighter rigs.

- Tom Capasso, 11/9/2006


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