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Roger Dean


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Well, It appears that Rogers Yessong painting has come to life in my front yard....






My picture...








my photo....




I thought it was cool.

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In and around the lake

Mountains come out of the sky

they stand there

Ten true summers we'll be there and laughing too

Twenty four before my love I'll be there with you


Pretty cool. I've noticed clouds formations over the last few years; looking in ways that I've never seen before. A sign?

"Am I enough of a freak to be worth paying to see?"- Separated Out (Marillion)

NEW band Old band


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That is way cool!


Side note:


I got to see some Roger Dean originals in an art gallery in San Fransciso last year. Let me tell you...while they look great on album covers, nothing compares to the originals. Oh, and they had price tags on them too...I could have walked out with the original Relayer painting, except I forgot my $1,000,000 at home. :(

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Very cool.


Originally posted by jeremy c:

I didn't know they were doing nuclear testing in Wisconsin.

Brewery clouds from Leinenkugels. ;)


Originally posted by getz76:

Great, Matt. Now I'm paranoid.


I'm in Kansas City right now, looking out the window of the office I'm currently squatting in. Is it true that if you hold your breath, the tornado can't hurt you? ;)

A year and a half I spent in Kansas, and didn't get to see one twister. :mad: Make sure to get down to the Plaza in KC, pick up some Gates' BBQ, and check out Mass. St. in Lawrence for a real American Main Street.



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