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Real World Reviews for Ibanez K5?


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I was checking an online catalog, and saw a Ibanez K5 (aka Fieldy). I was leaning towards a MM Stingray "5" for a new axe but, the pics of the K5 looked kick a$$. One site had reviews, and they varied from 9-10's to 2-3's. My first thought was the higher the review the less experienced player (excuse me...just being honest). To me this is a very nice looking bass...BUT, HOW DOES IT SOUND? And, how's the neck/fret-job/craftmanship (mechanics) etc...I've upgraded basses that were build very good but, lacked electronically. That's easy to fix.

Any real owner reviews out there?



"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up." ~ Pablo Picasso

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I've tried it more than once actually. It's very well put together, comfy, quality mechanics, plays great and has a nice sound to it (totally different from the Stingray though, this is more smooth as opposed to the Stingray's rawness). A really good bass and not that expensive either.

But go with the Stingray.

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Originally posted by EddiePlaysBass:

Just a wild idea, but you could listen to some Korn records :D


No seriously, I know he downtunes and all, but what is there to lose?

Fieldy doesn't actually play a K5. He plays a modified SR3000 or something. I've play a K5 at low volume in a music store a couple of times. Really liked it, real comfy neck.

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lug, you should add that statement to you signature.-Tenstrum

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Played one at a GC a few months back because it looked like the five-string version of an SR1206 I picked up last year. I've been thinking of playing one again to refresh myself on the sound. Both the K5 and my SR1206 had EMGs, sounded very similar, but the wood on the K5 felt and looked a little nicer for some reason. Eseentialy the mids tend to be scooped on this so you get good tight lows (not boomy) and "ricky-backy-type" highs, so if you're a Fender fan you're not going to like this one. I guess if I hadn't bought the 1206 I would've succumb to the charms of the K5 and would've added another charge to my plastic accounts.


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for comparative purposes, the fieldy plays just like my ibanez sr485, but it has higher output, tighter lows...and an overall better sound.


I love the sound that i get from my 485.




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Thanks for all your input. BTW...I am a "Fender" fan. Plus, it's nice to know about "gold" hardware. I've never had gold-plated hardware on any of my guitars (and didn't think about it). That would be gross looking if the plating wore off. I'm all hands too.


Thanks again.



"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up." ~ Pablo Picasso

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