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Just bought a new fretless!

great nw thumper

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I finally got another fretless! It's a Warwick corvette four string fretless. I haven't owned a fretless for about 6 years. My last one that's almost irreplaceable a Warmouth custom made fretless P-bass made from Koa will be hard shoes to fill. But I get a real kick out of the knock and slide I'm getting from this Warwick. It's unbelieveable. I've been playing an Ibanez Soundgear with active EMG's and I like the difference that I'm hearing from these factory Warwick's, of course the Low end can't touch the EMG's but the high end is like silly puddy cool.


Anyway it's been a long time since I'd acquired a new fiddle so I thought I'd share my joy with ya'll.


Pisces Out!


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I had a go on a 4 string Ernie Ball fretless and although it was clearly a nice bass, the sound wasn't quite right. Has anyone else thought this? Or is it just me? I have tried fretted Earnie Balls and other fretlesses but the sound just seemed strange.


Sorry to hijack your thread thumper.


"i must've wrote 30 songs the first weekend i met my true love ... then she died and i got stuck with this b****" - Father of the Pride
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I've got a fretless EB StingRay5. It's killer. I love it.


A couple of the other fellahs here have played it. They can chime in.


The coolest fretless I played is a toss up between a Leduc 4-string with a "floating" soundboard and an M Bass 5-string at the BP Live event last year.






Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Originally posted by ArwinH:

I figured that I'd throw this in........... http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a101/Nasrinb/baby.jpg

It's a picture of my fretless, in progress!!!!

That's purty! :D A Rob Allen if I'm not mistaken, eh?

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