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Sweet Willie's First Annual Bass, Beer, and Brats Fest

_Sweet Willie_

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Originally posted by Dave Brown:

But I just keep thinkin' that Willie needs some red velvet in this room. Maybe an Elvis painting?


And where are the poker playin' dogs?



The velvet is a nice idea -- that would've really absorbed the funk. Admittedly I'm counting mainly on my kids for the artwork.


Some of the gang did have an opportunity to rest their posteriors on a stool painted by my daughter with a musical theme (notes, instruments, etc.).






Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Originally posted by Dr. Sweet Willie:


57pbass really brought some great instruments. I loved playing the Kubicki. Reminded me immediately of Wally's Kubicki that I got to play a couple of summers ago. Also, that J bass he brought did indeed almost play itself.




Willie, the Kubicki although out of the rotation for a while is now back in. It feels so good playing it again I wonder why I stopped playing it for a while.



I have basses to play, places to be and good music to make!
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  • 5 months later...
Originally posted by Dr. Sweet Willie:

Well, "First Annual" might be a stretch -- maybe "Pilot Test" or "Test Drive" might be a better term.


Believe it or not, planning for the Second Annual is underway. Hopefully the weather will be better and we can pass some of the time outside on the back deck.


I wonder if I can land a sponsor this year -- either from the music world or the world of cylindrical meats. Time to make some calls...



--Dub $$



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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I like the idea for the travelling event. I have 25 acres right in the middle of the country. 2 hrs. to St. Louis 3 hrs. to Memphis and Nashville. Get as loud as you can stand, and don't worry, the neighbors will want to join in. Oh yeah, got a pooll too.





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Yes, some arrangements could/should happen. Recording would be cool. :cool:


Also, I hope to spread the bass goodness throughout the house a bit more -- perhaps a set of amps and basses on each floor. All the easier to hear them with, my dear. :thu:


Tom, root beer :o ... <sigh> ;)


Likely date will again be...July. :eek:






Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Well, there will be at least one new piece of gear in attendance courtesy of my daughter -- a 15W Vox Valvetronix modeling g****r amp. It'll be fun for those of us who on occasion partake in the yip-yippin' of tiny strings rather than the thump-thumpin' of fat strings. :D


This may also come in handy if we do endeavor to record some stuff using instruments other than bass.


I'm no dummy -- no 100W g****r stacks in my home! (Not yet, anyway.) :freak:


Peace. :cool:




Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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If invited, I shall attend.


If I attend, I shall take pics.


If I take pics, I promise once again to not post the really obscene ones.


I would of course also bring the Jazz bass, and again bring whatever sundry party supplies you'd need.

If Jason comes, I may also bring the fretted Roadstar.


If invited.








I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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I will certainly risk attending and upgrading my activities to spilling red wine on light-colored carpet (something I did 25 years ago at my in-law's house).


Sponsorship? I'm picturing your local purveyor of non-veg putting up a poster of us with their meat products in one hand and bass in another - smiling because he donated the food and can barely handle the increase in traffic in the store.


I'll do my best to attend (schedule depending). I will also drive as needed, and subject Wraub to late 70s music from my old band (since he survived the Stonefly CD last time).


Thanks Willie!




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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i can see it now: "the second annual s-dub bass, beer and brats fest sponsored by joe's butcher shop. buy your meat at joe's and get a fat, round bottom." with 6 or 7 months to plan this one shoud be pretty nuts, no?


i'll have to think of something else food-related to make barely-palatably hot this time...

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Did you guys go "Jaco" style and abstain from washing your hands. Nice Brat greasy, buttery fingers on those strings would make for a slick delight.


Oh, and seeing how each of those basses are more expensive than both mine put together, please let me know when your next get together is. I'll purchase a gun and a Ronald Reagan mask by then, and rob you all.

"Some people are like "slinkies". They're not really good for anything;

but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a

flight of stairs."

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i'm leaning towards accepting a job offer in virginia...it would put me down there temporarily.


My tentative start date is still up in the air. I can't make any promises about being in this time. :cry:


But this offer is one that will immeasurably help my career.


hopefully i'll be able to see you guys for the wally malone gathering.




Soli Deo Gloria


"it's the beauty of a community. it takes a village to raise a[n] [LLroomtempJ]." -robb


My YouTube Channel

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Some of us have a lot of gear. I would be willing to take requests for "most wanted" pieces... anybody else?



1. Mike Lull M5V

2. Rob Allen MB-2 5

3. Warwick Thumb 5

4. Warwick Streamer Pro-M 4



1. Kern IP-777

2. Demeter VTBP 201S

3. SWR Interstellar Overdrive

4. Eden WT-330

5. Gallien-Krueger MB150E



1. Acme Low B2

2. Bergantino HT112

3. Bergantino EX112

4. Bergantino HT322

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Originally posted by Gospel7theZealot:

i'm leaning towards accepting a job offer in virginia...it would put me down there temporarily.


My tentative start date is still up in the air. I can't make any promises about being in this time. :cry:


But this offer is one that will immeasurably help my career.

i'm sorry, but you really need to evaluate your priorities young man... :P
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Originally posted by Flemtone:

Keep us apprised - I'm just up the road from you in Montclair. I gots gear, I can gets beer.

I've killed a bunch of brain cells at Tierney's in the good ol' days...


ID? You don't need no stinking ID! It's Tierney's!

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Originally posted by Stackimo:

Oh, and seeing how each of those basses are more expensive than both mine put together, please let me know when your next get together is. I'll purchase a gun and a Ronald Reagan mask by then, and rob you all.

I just happen to know where Stackimo lives, and already have plenty of guns myself. Looks like an early Christmas this year. :evil:



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OK - so that's two guys from FL that aren't going to bring anything with them.


Kinal SK5B

Gibson EB3 (Maury will request this, so I'll just bring it).


EA500 head


Berg HT112

Berg EX112

(Maury and I can split this - I'll bring the HT, he can bring the EX if folks want Bergs).


Willie - are you coordinating a day when neighbors on all sides are out of town?




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Originally posted by Gospel7theZealot:

i'm leaning towards accepting a job offer in virginia...it would put me down there temporarily.

VA to NYC's about 4-6 hrs. based on what part of the state you're in. Easy enough to do on a weekend, I'm sure you can sleep over, plus you can visit the music stores along the way in DE, NJ and MD. I've done the trip a hundred times and can plan the scenic route (along with rest spots and where to get good coffee at 3am) for ya. Since you'll be spending more road time in VA it might be good to toughen your long-distance driving skills with us.


This time I'll keep my calendar straight so I won't miss out (or confuse it with wraub's bash :D ) and probably bring an AEB and a fretless along with a g****r and ampette.

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Originally posted by getz76:

I've killed a bunch of brain cells at Tierney's in the good ol' days...


ID? You don't need no stinking ID! It's Tierney's!

very true...the last Friday of next month, the Flemtones are there for 20 years.


What were we thinking???


Stop in for a BuddyBurger sometime. Eat two and you get free bypass surgery.


peace to Hoboken (ooo, I'm dyin'!)

-Tim from Rt. 3 Westbound

Play. Just play.
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