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Baby Steps: Putting My Rig Together


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I've nailed down exactly what I want for my new rig and I started buying the pieces to put together today!


So far I've gotten a CNB 5U rack with wheels and a luggage cart handle, a Furman M8 power conditioner with lights for those wonderfully dark stages and a Crown XLS 402.






In the coming weeks I will be adding a Tech21 Sansamp RBI and Fender TBP-1 preamp. I finally found the sound I want and figured out how to get it! I'll be using this stuff temporarily with my current Bassman 410 and 115 until I scrape up the cash for two Eden XST 210s.


Oh, and one of those nifty Rock 'n Roller carts to save my youthful back.


Just wanted to share my excitement. Back to your lives. Nothing to see here.

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Nothing feels better than the rush you get when you realize your sound is right at your fingertips (pun intended). When you know that you have your dream rig within your grasp, well nothing feels better, GOOD LUCK. It looks like you're making some awesome choices. I hope you don't mind if I ask why you'll be using the fender pre along with the rbi. I understand the fender has 2 channels to begin with. If you're looking for some really grinding disortion out of the rbi, that would make sense as I understand the fender can not provide that. If so, I would suggest trying out the swr stella if you haven't yet. Or maybe one of them nift programmable bddi's.
Hiram Bullock thinks I like the band volume too soft (but he plays guitar). Joe Sample thinks I like it way too loud (but he plays piano). -Marcus Miller
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You know musicfiend, the RBI is the only thing I'm not yet sure about and it seems like you picked it right out.


Really what I'm looking for is something to add some variation to my tone. I love the sound of the Fender pre but I want something to mix it up a bit. I'm not crazy about having tons of pedals all over the place and the TBP's 4-button footswitch and my Boss TU-2 will be more than crossing that line for me. I'm not really looking for any extremes in terms of effects as I'm a pretty "middle of the road" kind of guy as far as tone and $700 seems a bit steep for an extra overdrive channel (the 'Stella).


Maybe the Fender's overdrive and Vari-Q will be enough for me since I'm coming from my Bassman one trick pony.


I did notice that the TBP doesn't have a compressor built in as my Bassman 400 does. Perhapse it would be wise to look into a good compressor. Would that be a good choice to fill in the last space in my rack? Are there any good rack-mounted bass compressors out there?


Then again, I've been using the compressor on my current amp less and less and enjoying the expressive freedom it gives me. Maybe a flashy rack tuner to mesmerize the stoners in the crowd.


Any suggestions? I'd like to fill the space but I don't want to throw money away on something I don't need.


P.S. -- Maybe I should get one of those Funk Logic DD-301 Digilog Dynamicators like Jeremy has/had.

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before you get worried about filling the space. I think itd be wise to live without the space and use an open space on top of your power amp. You never know if you're going to need it for cooling purposes. I would sidestep the tuner. Ive been using a boss tu2 and I find that its a much easier, lighter, and cheaper route. Unless you've been having problems with the boss the tuner would be overkill.

I've never been a fan of compressors, heck I even spelled compressor "compresser" the first time I typed this. But again, before you add a compressor...live with it for a while and then judge based on your experience. But if you do want to use a compressor, I believe Funklogic build a 1 space rack unit that will hold two of the compressors that fit. You could always just go for the regular funklogic unit also, if you don't want that empty space.

I would suggest going with the fender for now, babysteps :thu:

If later on, you need something extra tonewise, you'll always have that space available.

Hiram Bullock thinks I like the band volume too soft (but he plays guitar). Joe Sample thinks I like it way too loud (but he plays piano). -Marcus Miller
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Funklogic, great minds think alike. I guess we were on the same track.

Maybe a rack drawer instead. Might be more logical if you want to hold some extra case candy or cords in the rack

Hiram Bullock thinks I like the band volume too soft (but he plays guitar). Joe Sample thinks I like it way too loud (but he plays piano). -Marcus Miller
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definitely leave a 1U space open on top of the Crown. Even though heat may escape through the front/back panels, the top panel's going to collect some heat and it should be dissipated.


The rack drawer isn't a bad idea, but I usually carry a small backpack to put all my little stuff in and that usually hides behind my amp when not in use.

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Yeah Fred, I keep all my goodies in a small backpack as well. What also helps in the decision making process is the fact that the only rack drawers I've found come in 2U and up.


I'm starting to aclimate myself to the idea of saving money and leaving a space open. I might even use a bit of the money I save on one of those Funk Logic dillies. And candy.


Or maybe apply it toward the impending 5-string on my horizon.

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Purty! (sic)


Hey, did you read this pdf yet from Crown? You might want to use a solid panel to cover up that gap over the amp. Seems to go against common sense, but hey, if the manufacturer specs it, what are you going to do?


BTW, are you running it 4-ohm bridged mono with your 4x10 and 1x15? If so, how does 1140W sound? :cool:

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You mean this part?:


From Crown manual:

Dont use vented spacer panels between amps in a rack. Because of the airflow technology we use in our amps, it is best to stack multiple amplifiers on top of each other with no space between. The amplifier draws fresh air into the front of the amp and exhausts it either out the sides and into the rack, or out the back depending on the model. We want the hot air thats in the rack to vent out the sides or backnot the front. If any of these amplifiers are spaced apart with vented panels, some of the preheated air will recycle to the front of the rack and back into the amplifier. The result is loss of thermal headroom. If you choose to place the amplifiers with space between them, then use solid panels between them, not vented panels.

I hadn't read that yet. Thank you for pointing it out. I will definately make my meager contribution to help Funk Logic stay in business.


EDIT -- Actually, now that I think about it, I don't think I'd have any problem because they're saying that you should do that if you're stacking amps or other fan cooled devices so that the hot exhaust doesn't go into the intake of the one above it. None of the other items in my rack are fan cooled. I still want the Digilog Dynamicator though.

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So I got impatient and found a good blem deal on my preamp at musiciansfriend.com at the same time (dangerous) so I sweet-talked my girlfriend into using her card to order online (since I am creditless) and for her to accept a check from me to pay her for it (since she's rich...or at least lives with her parents, works full time, has no car to pay for, her parents pay for her cell phone and she has a free ride through nursing school).


She said that part of the deal was that in addition to paying her back I had to let all of you know that I love her and she's awesome.



Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww......... *gag*

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hehe, sry dave.


u lucky SOB, i wish i had a g/f that did stuff like that.


hell, i wish i had a girlfriend. i've been out of a reltionship for more than a year.


lets see...i have no money, no job, and live at home.....yep, it's time i get a girlfriend.



The thing that's stopping me: they take a lot of time that could be used for rock'n out on bass :D


congrats on the purchase dave!



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Originally posted by davio:

You mean this part?:


From Crown manual:

Dont use vented spacer panels between amps in a rack. Because of the airflow technology we use in our amps, it is best to stack multiple amplifiers on top of each other with no space between. The amplifier draws fresh air into the front of the amp and exhausts it either out the sides and into the rack, or out the back depending on the model. We want the hot air thats in the rack to vent out the sides or backnot the front. If any of these amplifiers are spaced apart with vented panels, some of the preheated air will recycle to the front of the rack and back into the amplifier. The result is loss of thermal headroom. If you choose to place the amplifiers with space between them, then use solid panels between them, not vented panels.

I hadn't read that yet. Thank you for pointing it out. I will definately make my meager contribution to help Funk Logic stay in business.


EDIT -- Actually, now that I think about it, I don't think I'd have any problem because they're saying that you should do that if you're stacking amps or other fan cooled devices so that the hot exhaust doesn't go into the intake of the one above it. None of the other items in my rack are fan cooled. I still want the Digilog Dynamicator though.

The way I read it, they don't want any hot air coming out the front, period. Your amp could still suck in its own exhaust; better safe than sorry?
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Beautiful Rig, Davio. Tons of power and quality to say the least. Good luck with it and let us know how it turned out with the new pre-amp.



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