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Anyone else here an Elixir test subject???


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Originally posted by Tom Capasso:

Originally posted by jimb213:

The only problem is, I have a warwick thumb 5 arriving on friday... so i have a feeling I'm not going to be playing the jazz too much in the next few weeks... :D

Yeah - that's a real problem :eek::confused:


Have the Warwick shipped to Long Island - I'll have all the NYC LowDowners take a shot at it.

That will give you time to complete your string testing :idea:



Think you guys can handle a lefty?
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Received them last week as well. I am testing the medium .045-.105 nanowebs.


I enjoy them so far. Very easy on the hands. I like the slick feeling and sliding causes little discomfort. I have a feeling it will allow me to play for longer periods of time, which is important to me.


They may lack the brightness of other steels I have tried in the past, but they are punchy and provide a very true bass sound.


I am only skeptical as to the durability of the nanoweb coating. We will see.


I will provide more feedback after my outdoor gig today.

"Some people are like "slinkies". They're not really good for anything;

but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a

flight of stairs."

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Just received my Nanoweb heavy set .050-.105 and I think it'll be a little tough using them from what I've read on here so far. I have always used GHS Boomers and I love the raw brightness of those, but we'll see how these go. I have a studio date in a couple of weeks and I'll try them then. Should be interesting.
" I'm only wearing black until they make something darker!"
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My trial pack of 45-105 Polywebs arrived a couple weeks ago, I just put them on today. I was a bit reluctant to remove the DR Black Beauties that were so lovingly installed maybe 6 weeks ago. They were strung through the body so some of the coating was damaged; but they're still black, and still beautiful.


My first impression is that they feel a bit slicker than the Black Beauties. I haven't had the opportunity to crank up the volume yet, but they sound fine acoutically and at low volume.

- Matt W.
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I played my first gig of the summer yesterday (I know it's sad) at a friend's church filling in for their bass player. I really didn't like the sound I was getting out of the Polywebs. Part of it may have been that I was going direct rather than into my usual rig but I just didn't like the lack of brightness that I've gotten used to with Nanowebs.
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Originally posted by jimb213:

Originally posted by Tom Capasso:

Originally posted by jimb213:

The only problem is, I have a warwick thumb 5 arriving on friday... so i have a feeling I'm not going to be playing the jazz too much in the next few weeks... :D

Yeah - that's a real problem :eek::confused:


Have the Warwick shipped to Long Island - I'll have all the NYC LowDowners take a shot at it.

That will give you time to complete your string testing :wave::D

Nothing is as it seems but everything is exactly what it is - B. Banzai


Life is what happens while you are busy playing in bands.

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  • 3 months later...

I was just thinking about this on Sunday. I've been playing my Les Paul, which I strung with the Elixers; haven't touched the Lakland in 2 months. I wanted to really test these strings. Still have the same issues: the B is really muddy sounding, E is better than it was but muddier than I'd like; the A slips and doesn't hold it's tuning as well as I'd like. On the good side, they do still feel pretty fresh.

I'll probably take them off in a week or two and send them in for the final survey and see what the "free gift" is. If it's another set of strings, I'll... :eek: ...put them on the Lakland, or give them away. Now if they sent me some guitar strings, I could give them to my son!

"Am I enough of a freak to be worth paying to see?"- Separated Out (Marillion)

NEW band Old band


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I'm still jammin' on my trial set. I put them in July and figure to leave them on until Christmas unless something dire happens; that would be, per their request, about twice the time I generally use a set.
- Matt W.
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I swapped mine off a couple months ago. Figured I wanted some new strings for a series of gigs I was playing. Ultimately I found myself unimpressed with the new strings (super slinkies) and wanted to put the Elixirs back on. Unfortunately I had lost a string. Oops.


I was impressed though, they just found their sound and it stayed, I was an idiot to take them off in the first place.

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Originally posted by jeremy c:

I took off the Elixirs which I had on my Jazz bass for 17 months and put on the trial set.


I imagine that it will be that long before I need to change again.


They kept sounding the same but eventually the teflon started shredding and coming off.

From what I gathered from filling out the second survey today, they'll send you your free gift when you complete the survey. I don't think you have to wait until you send the strings back in. I'm guessing it's a tshirt.


If the strings are getting fuzzy I'm guessing you got the Polywebs right Jeremy? That's where their personality comes from. ;)


I wasn't too happy with my Polys. They were alright and after awhile I forgot the drastic difference in sound until I put Nanos back on. It's like if you only play an acoustic guitar a couple times a month and you finally change the strings after a year and you realize that your guitar can actually sound good...or is that just me?

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Damn, this was my thread and I can't even remember whether I have the Poly's or the Nano's (I think the Nano's, but then again, my memory sucks).


I think they sound good still. In spots, they look like they have eczema though. I meant to do more recording with them on, which is why I hope the free gift is another set of strings.


I think that DR's are brighter sounding, but they don't keep their tone as long. I think the Elixir's are good strings.


Whoever completes the survey first- post if they say what the free gift is!

Insert inaccurate quote here
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Originally posted by justinruins:

Whoever completes the survey first- post if they say what the free gift is!

I did it the other day and no they don't say. It's still "your free gift."


Is the suspense killing you?

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I've had mine for a couple of months. Not as bright as the Rotosounds I usually use but after a couple of weeks they seemed to settle i nicely with my Mike Lull M5. The B string is very solid. I tend to use strings for awhile (3 - 4 months sometimes), and so far these haven't lost their crispness too much.
"I play the notes...but it is God who makes the music". J.S. Bach
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I had switched back to my old strings a while ago. I had tried the Nano's, which were very easy on the fingers, but I felt the D and G strings sounded thin.


I would fill out the survey and send them back, but I can't find the box. I need to step up my search.

"Some people are like "slinkies". They're not really good for anything;

but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a

flight of stairs."

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I am still playing the same set on my Jazz and they sound great! They get played a lot and I've had no fuzzing or problems of any kind. These have become my favorite strings.


I put the other set on my Warwick,replacing the piccolo strings, and they sound very good. I'll never play piccolo in the band I'm in, and it was just sitting there. I wanted to get it into action(there's a pic of me playing it posted on our website at the moment). The Warwick is a hotter, more aggresive sounding bass. One of these days I'm gonna throw a set of Rotosounds on it just to see how snarly it can be! :D

Nothing is as it seems but everything is exactly what it is - B. Banzai


Life is what happens while you are busy playing in bands.

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Hello everyone, I just filled out the last survey and I am eager to find out what the thank-you gift is, I hope its another set of strings because im really going to miss the trial set. Im going to send them back tomarrow, for now I put some old ones on my bass it made me realize just how good the Elixir's felt, and sounded.




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I did the trial as well. I liked the feel of the Elixir's but they didn't sound as good as the bass boomers I normally use. I thought that Elixir was going to send some sort of free gift for doing the trial but I haven't received anything yet. What about anyone else?
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Would anyone mind listing the site for the survey and the address, so that I can send them back?


I misplaced my paperwork.

"Some people are like "slinkies". They're not really good for anything;

but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a

flight of stairs."

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I've been using Nanos for some time now and I love them. Just installed a set on my new Bromberg B2. The lack of brightness referred to by some of you has not been a problem for me given the Bromberg's wide tonal range which can go to very bright, particularly when dialling up the piezos. Only bummer is that they're very expensive in my neck of the woods, particularly for 5 strings.


Won't stop me trying out the Poly's though.(If I can only find some)

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I never bothered with the test subject stuff, but I sometimes use an Elixer B string with other sets to get a little less fingerboard buzz and it really seems to improve what I can do for setup/action. Usually on B on fretless - partly because B strings always have such coarse windings - I hear it on the 'board too much when I lay into it.


Most companies really haven't got decent matches between their B and the rest of the set as far as tension and tone so experiments like this are not as odd as one might think. Results, results.

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  • 3 months later...

To the request of where to find them in the UK, they're readily available in the bigger music stores but I always get them from:




Be warned, they ain't cheap (£30) but cheaper than in the shops - they last ages and I love 'em, been using them for years.

Now theres three of you in a band, youre like a proper band. Youre like the policemen.
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i tried the nanoweb thing also a while ago.


the lack of brightness made it so that whenever you wanted a higher note to stand out by giving it some more growl (more staccato attack-force from the fingers) it just wasn't really there.


also the flaking started way too quickly for them to cost me twice as much as normal strings.


but mostly the feel of the strings is very weird for me. it was more difficult for me to control the pauses between the notes because the friction of my fingertops on the strings was too different from what i was used to. more slippery/slimy so to speak. the whole feel of a bass and it's strings dictates how i play and it was not right for me.


morale of this story: 'staccato attack force' is a superb band name! reminds me of 'atari teenage riot'. anyway...

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