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What was I thinking?

Corner Pocket

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Some thread here steered me to a couple of books. I first got "What Duck Done", and I worked my way throught it quite successfully. I'm no Duck, but the drunks won't notice.


The next book I got based on discussions here was "Standing in the Shadows....." WTF was I thinking?????


Forget Ray Charles, Jamerson is the only true genious in music. I can't believe how easy the stuff sounds, and how difficult it is to play.


Back to the woodshed.








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james jamerson: The only true genius in music.


jason atkins: The only person who enjoys a drink of cool water on a hot day.


absolute statements: Asking to be proved wrong since the beginning of time.




Soli Deo Gloria


"it's the beauty of a community. it takes a village to raise a[n] [LLroomtempJ]." -robb


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hyperbole: A figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect, as in "I could sleep for a year" or "This book weighs a ton."


This does not change my first impressions of what it will take me to learn from Jamerson's legacy.




btw, isn't the Bible just chock full of "absolute statements"? Just asking.






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didn't mean to sound threatening. Someone once here once scolded me on the importance of using the faces when being sarcastic. sorry.


I'll address the other issue over pm.




edit: can't address it over pm b/c your is disabled. The bible is full of absolute statements that I accepted as a younger child, rejected as a teenager and researched and came to a more personal understanding of as a young adult.


I'm at work...so i'll be on the forum off and on today.




Soli Deo Gloria


"it's the beauty of a community. it takes a village to raise a[n] [LLroomtempJ]." -robb


My YouTube Channel

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Hey I don't wanna turn this into a debate, but to attack someones faith is really poor form. I am a Christian to and it takes a lot to come to such a personal life choice, its hard enough to walk in a world full of people at the ready to shoot you down but then to come to an online community and enjoy one of your life's other passions and to be shot down here to is just weak.



Play it once it's a mistake, play it twice and its Jazz
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Where did I attach somebodies faith?


Jason made a point questioning the veracity of "absolute statements", and then included a statement in his sig file that comes from a book touted to be The Inerrant Word of God, or in other words, a book full of absolute statements.


I thought the juxtoposition of those in his post was interesting, and I pointed it out.


I'm new to the fine points of Jamerson and Duck Dunn. I've always known who they were, but only lately has my reading gotten good enough that I don't have to suffer through learning the material.


Some threads on this board steered me towards a couple of books that have gotten me excited about learning some new bass material. I posted to show I'm a bit excited about what is for me a new discovery.


Jason tries to burst my bubble with his post 7 minutes after mine. I politely replied and withing 90 minutes I have been accused of attacking someones faith.


I give up. God is great. It's His fan club I can't stand.








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My beef isn't with you, it's with Bass_in_August who has accused me of doing something I didn't do. I didn't attack you or your faith.


We were both a bit tongue in cheek with each other, (which is tough to do with typing only).


Officially I describe myself as a non-theist. Growing up Catholic in the 70's left a bad taste. As an adult reading all of the atrocities that are committed by people of all faiths, people that are alledgedly acting in support of their God, well, if that is faith, I don't want to be a part of that. I know that is not the only aspect of faith, but it is the most public face of faith, and it doesn't sit right with me.


In the end, I think the best judge of a person's character is how they treat their pets. That leaves me questionable, because I live in a pet free building. :-)






I now return myself to my study of Jamerson and Dunn






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Jamerson is awesome, and as you stated his bass lines are deceptively simple. I have the Standing in the Shadows of Motown book and it has really helped me improve my groove.


Officially I describe myself as a non-theist. Growing up Catholic in the 70's left a bad taste. As an adult reading all of the atrocities that are committed by people of all faiths, people that are alledgedly acting in support of their God, well, if that is faith, I don't want to be a part of that. I know that is not the only aspect of faith, but it is the most public face of faith, and it doesn't sit right with me.
About the faith thing... People all through history and even today have used scriptures to justify there own hatred and bigotry. It becomes especially dangerous when someone of great influence and/or power does this. Someone filled with hate towards a person or group of people is not acting in the spirit of God. Don't let them turn you away from your search for true faith.


BTW, I am a Christian and I welcome honest questions about my beliefs.

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Hey Gos 5 and Groover. Here begineth the essay:p


I know ill get roasted for starting to put up this kinnda thing because it does technically belong to the SSS forum but i tend to find we handle stuff a little more mature out here.


I am, at the moment, sort of between faiths. By this i mean i respect them all, have my own ideas but dont follow any of them to letter. What im trying to do at the moment is thinking up problems/questions i have with the whole christian philosophy and trying to find answers to them.


Now before i ask you this, be aware that it is not ment as a dig at christianity but more just an interesting point that id like your opinion on. Of course if you dont want to answer it ill completly understand and you can tell me to take a long jump off a short pier. I would ask a few of my church friends but i cant get ahold of anyone and ive only just thought of this a minute ago so i had to get it down somewhere (damn i should'nt have taken that philosophy class in 6th year :) ).


My question is, oddly, about the idea of evil in christianity and, more specificaly, where evil comes from. i wanted to see if the bible addresses this in anyway or if it is just one of the unexplained things we have to take on faith.


Question/point of contest: If Satan is ment to be the source or encouragement of sin in our lives, if hes ment to be the little voice that some of us hear saying its ok and that no one will no, then what exactly did Lucifer, when he was the right hand of God, hear in his head that made him think he would win a war against heaven? Does this not suggest that there was something else, somthing that spoke to Lucifer?.


If thats true then that calls into question the omnipitence of God (unless God did it to lucifer, which is a possibility). Another possibility is that the thought came into Lucifer's head from nowhere but if thats true then that kind of goes against the something from nothing stance that christianity is opposed to.


Anyway, like i said, i actually dont expect anyone to be able to answer this. I admire christians for their ability to take on faith stuff that i never could. I just thought it might be an interesting point to bring up and like i said, i had to get it down somewhere quickly lol.


Much Love :thu:



P.S i should have put this in PM but ive just spent all this time typing the bloody thing and its going up, plus i want peoples opinion on it.

"I am just an instrument cos the lord is playing this funk"-T.M Stevens
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hey guys


like I said did'nt wanna turn this in to a debate sorry rockincyanblues if I mistook your Tounge in cheek sense of humour for an attack, you know how things get twisted over forums. It just so happens that when you take the step and identify yourself as a Christian that a lot of people take subtle pot shots at you and you end up getting a bit defensive. society leaves a bitter taste in your mouth is all.


in conclusion sorry



Play it once it's a mistake, play it twice and its Jazz
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