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Speakon Cable Question.


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Hey guys.


I just purchased a Gallien-Krueger 700 RB-I head and an Ampeg SVT 410 cabinet. Along with this I got some cool goodies, including an Ampeg Speakon Cabinet.


The problem is that while I was browsing though my GK's owners manual, it has a warning that says not to use a Speakon labeled "Bridge Mode" or it may damage my amp. So, of course, after I've already played through it a little, I take a look at my Ampeg Speakon and sure enough, it says "Mono Bridged" on the side of it.


This may be a silly question, and I'm pretty sure I already know the answer, but are those two terms the same thing?


Thanks a lot.

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Yes. Your speakon needs to be wired 1+/1- at both ends. A bridged speakon is wired 1+/2+ at the amp end and 1+/1- at the cab end; using such a speakon with your GK would cause the low and high amp outs to be pushing voltage at each other, which could be very messy.



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I would definitely bring that up at the store for which you bought it from.


Grats on your new set up!

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Whoa! That's some scary information!


You mean there are different speakon cables for bridged and not bridged?


Sometimes I run my amp in stereo and sometimes I run it bridged mono. There is a switch on the back of the amp for this. There are also three speaker outputs....left, right, and bridged.


I use the same speakon cables all the time, I just use the switch and connect the cable to the appropriate output.


Should I be using a different cable?

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I think it depends on the amp. But with typical stereo power amps, there are two speakon outs, one for left/bridged and one for right. If you connect a 1+/1- lead to the left or right you get just that channel on its own. If you switch the amp to briged and connect a 1+/2+ lead to the left you get the whole bridged output.


If you plug a 1+/1- lead into the left when bridged I'd expect you to just get the non-bridged output from the left channel. My logic is thus: 1+=+V; 1-=0; 2+=-V. Therefore, with the 1+/2+ lead the voltage the cabs sees is 2V - i.e. bridged which is double the normal voltage; whilst with the 1+/1- lead the voltage the cab sees is 1V despite the amp being switched to bridged mode.


However, maybe some amps reconfigure their outputs.


The risk with GK amps is that 1+/1- are the full-range power amp outs whilst 2+/2- are the HF power amp outs. If you use a bridged cable the higher voltage of the 1+ output will be trying to drive the power through the cab and back into the lower voltage (but still positive voltage) 2+ out. Nasty.


What this doesn't explain is why my skinny leads with non-Neutrik speakons work fine, but my fat leads with real speakons don't work at all. Baffling!



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