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OT: Crash


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just came back from going out to see a movie with my dad.


Crash, directed by Don Cheadle, is a movie that addresses the issue of race in america in an insightful way. Aside from some gratuitous nudity/sex that didn't really have a place in the grand scheme of things, i think this movie should be seen by everyone.


It addresses, how everything from minute misunderstandings to prejudice can affect everyday life.


topic: what did you think? discuss amongst yourselves...i'm all verklempt.




Soli Deo Gloria


"it's the beauty of a community. it takes a village to raise a[n] [LLroomtempJ]." -robb


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Haven't heard of the movie, but don't let that surprise you. I haven't heard of most of the movies in theaters today... in fact I'm still waiting for that Lucas guy to finish his story. ;)


OT but related to your OT topic:


I was listening to the Tom Joyner show this morning (a white guy in Oklahoma listening to the TJMS in a Wal Mart parking... take that at face value!)


Anyway - some guy called in to Tom's show and pointed out that his box of Tide detergent says it "Makes whites whiter." On the box is a picture of three kids, two white and one black. The box is perforated so that when you open it up, the black kid's head is removed, leaving the white kids in tact. Tom took over and played it well, with humor. I'm not so sure the caller wasn't seriously offended


Minute misunderstanding or seeds of racial tension planted by Proctor and Gamble?


Don't let me steer this thread away from serioud discussion... I just thought this sort of, kind of, fit in here.

- Matt W.
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that's funny b/c i worked for procter and gamble a few summers ago and they are a very conscious company in terms of workplace dynamics and product marketing.


But with this thread...i was just hoping that those who have seen wouldn't mind sharing their opines...and those who haven't seen it yet would be shamed into going out to the theaters.




Soli Deo Gloria


"it's the beauty of a community. it takes a village to raise a[n] [LLroomtempJ]." -robb


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I saw CRASH a few weeks ago.

This seriously might be the greatest movie I have ever seen. It is so incredibly though provoking.

There are themes and plots that you will be thinking about loooong after the movie is over. (Was this character wrong to assume this...will this character change how they feel about that...)


The movie has so many main characters and so many plot lines that were brilliantly linked.... it's impossible to see this movie and not be moved.



It was directed and cowritten by Paul Haggis (who wrote MILLION DOLLAR BABY). Don Cheadle was the Producer.

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I really liked this film. Apparently Cheadle wanted to make it, but the studios said "no" unless he got some big names in it. Lo and behold, there's a plethora of big name stars in it.


The guy who plays the locksmith needs to win awards across the board. He was outstanding. The whole scene he does w/ his daughter early in the movie with the magic cloak is outstanding. A great character well played by a talented actor.


Not the greatest movie I've ever scene, but really well done, thoughtful and thought provoking.






Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Originally posted by Gospel5.5theZealot:

...and those who haven't seen it yet would be shamed into going out to the theaters.

Consider me shamed! I can use a little awakening once in awhile, and anything more thought provoking than Finding Nemo is a good candidate.
- Matt W.
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I haven't seen the movie, because I never go to theaters any more. Too many rude people-- I'll see it on DVD when it comes out.


But I find it difficult to discuss race and prejudice objectively; it is very much relative to your time and place in the world. If you saw me walking down the street in the US today, you might think I was the whitest white guy you ever saw (I am rather pale ;) ). But if you were English and lived 200 years ago, you wouldn't think I was white, you'd notice that I am obviously of Irish descent and therefore of an inferior race. In the 19th century, Irish were not considered by the English to be "white."


I have a friend who is of Japanese descent. I would have thought that Asians-Americans might have much the same view of living in America, and might be subject to much the same prejudices. But every time I talk to my Japanese-American friend, he wants to talk about the Korean-Americans and the Chinese-Americans in his (rather affluent) neighborhood and how much they hate HIM.


I don't mean to make light of what you're discussing, Gospel5, I'm just trying to make the point that race and prejudice are relative terms, subject to the eyes of the beholder.


And personally, I'm all in favor of gratuitous sex and nudity. :)



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Originally posted by Bruiser:

...I'm just trying to make the point that race and prejudice are relative terms, subject to the eyes of the beholder.


This is one of the cool things about this movie -- race is contextualized. It's not shown as some monolithic concept, but rather its meaning and interpretation is demonstrated as variable depending on context.


It's also not just racial issues but class issues and the intersection of race and class that get play in this film.


And the guy who plays the locksmith is fantastic. Have I mentioned that yet? I must look up his name!



--Dub $$



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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I haven't seen the movie, because I never go to theaters any more.
Yeah. Not to mention a pretty good drive for me.


Thanks for the heads up G5Z. I will rent it when it comes out.



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I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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