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How many rigs have you owned?


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The first amp I owned was a crate combo. I believe it was 15 watts with an 8 inch speaker. When I made it into a band a monyh after I started I was in luck, the guitar players dad was a pro musician and he had a sufficient bass amp. That amp was a 1x15 ampeg combo from the early 80's. It was solid state and you couldnt turn the gain knob past four without getting some HARSH distortion. I went with that for a long time and then I moved on to an swr rig: Bass 750 head with goliath 3 4x10 cab.

I still have the swr with me, but I recently bought an aguilar db750 and 2 gs210 cabs. I plan on selling the swr, but right now I enjoy a/b-ing the two rigs and hearing what a difference theire really is (its quite amazing).

So if anybody in the la area wants some swr gear for a good price....

Hiram Bullock thinks I like the band volume too soft (but he plays guitar). Joe Sample thinks I like it way too loud (but he plays piano). -Marcus Miller
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Not that many, surprisingly.



Peavey Minx 110

Trace Elliot SM-1715 - This my current combo. I've had it for at least 8 years.


Head & Cabinets

Hartke 3500 head with Hartke 410 Transporter - My first "rig".

SWR SM-400 with SWR Triad III - I've had this setup for about 10 years now.

Eden D-210 XLT - Added that to the SWR rig about 7 years ago.

Eden WT-500 - Been using this for about 5 or 6 years now.


Current Setup

Eden WT-500 head

Eden D-210 XLT



SWR SM-400 head - backup

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"My concern is, and I have to, uh, check with my accountant, that this might bump me into a higher, uh, tax..."

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I didn't know combos count as rigs.

In that case:

Ibanez BZ-10 amp -- given away

Crate BX-100 -- Sold

Hartke B-30

Carvin R600 with Avatar B210 and B115-->replaced with a B410 now.


thats it.

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Maybe I should run a poll on how long you keep your rigs for, on average, i.e. number of years playing divided by number of rigs! Might be interesting to see how long the average bassist survives before succumbing to the bigger (smaller?) and better call of the latest technology (and marketing...)


FWIW, my first rig lasted me a year - it simply wasn't loud enough to hang with a drummer. The next one two years before the Warwick demanded something better. And the current rig has been doing its thang for almost 6 years, with the QSC replacing the Mackie a year ago.



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i am now on my second rig.

i've been playing for 14 years.

i bought my current rig 10 years ago.


GAS gets to me sometimes but after a while i don't care. i can play, my sound is amplified and my ears happy. when the music's good, i don't care about the brand as long as it's loud enough.



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In response to Claberonious Funk's addendum --


1. Gorilla GB-30 combo
Had this one for about 15 yrs. Was my practice amp mainly, and saw a couple of small shows in my early years.


2. Peavey Mark IV head and Peavey 2x8, 1x15 cab (Miss that cab...)
Only 4 years with this configuration. My main rig for gigs in high school. Sold the cab to a keyboard player thinking I could do better (stupid, stupid, stupid...)


3. Peavey Mark IV head and Hartke 410XL cab (this set-up saw the most gigs)
About 3 yrs. My main rig for rehearsals and gigs in college.


4. Hartke 2000 head and Hartke 410XL cab
About 6 yrs. Thought I could do better for both size and tone by getting the Hartke head. I was right on one of those two. This would've been my gig rig after college, but that's when my time spent playing reduced drastically.


5. SWR Super Redhead (still have)
I've had this maybe 4-5 yrs now. I started playing more and knew I had to dump the Hartke rig for something a little smaller that sounded better. I was right on both counts this time.


6. Ampeg B50R (still have)
I've had this maybe 4-5 yrs now. I wanted a practice amp that actually sounded good and could be used for informal jams w/ friends sans drummer.


7. TBD -- but I have some excellent ideas!
I will not be getting a new rig unless one of two things happens:

1. I start gigging regularly, justifying that AccuGroove cab and...

2. I am surpised by a large sum of money falling into my hands.






Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Rig #1: Marshall Bass 60, a 60W solid state 1x15 combo, bought in mid-1980s. Easily the worst bass amp I've ever played through, no tone whatsoever. Sold it after couple of years of trying to wrestle a decent tone out of the damn thing.


Rig #2: Ampeg SVT-II head + SVT 8x10 cab, bought new in 1991, still have it. A bit road-worn but still works fine.

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Interesting to see these, and interesting to see which manufacturers come up at different points in people's careers.


v1 Fender bassman white/blackface. head and cab, though I can't remember the speaker config (4x12?). It sucked - no volume at all, and I was drowned out by a band with a drummer and two guitars. I don't remember what happened to it - had it for about 3 years (early 70s). no tears.


v2 Acoustic 136 - combo with 15" speaker, and the inside rear of the cab was completely open to a huge vent on the bottom in the front. Loud but unfocused when played loud. During the last year that I had it, our band was playing bars regularly - the keys guy played through the A 136 and I used his rig - Kustom 100 with Earth 4x12 (straight up) cab. Kustom and Earth were two of the "upholstry" manufacturers - the cabinetry had padded vinyl on them. In '79 I quit the band and formalized the trade.


v3 Kustom 100 and Earth 2x12 - I cut the cabinet in half, removed the upholstry and painted it dark gray. One of the two "extra" speakers went into a homemade 12" cab that I used for practice with a Bogen 35 4 ch head (somebody gave it to me). The other "extra" was lost during deconstruction (I unscrewed the speaker and when it fell out, I put my hand up to stop it - right through the paper :eek: ). I used this rig at church (I was no longer in a band) for a few years. Then I loaned it to my brother-in-law who played keys. It never returned, and I suspect was destroyed in some teenage band activities.


v4 After years of hiatus (and using the Bogen/Earth for living room work), I joined a Christian theatre group. I used some guitar amp that a relative had given my kids, but it didn't cut it. Went shopping and thought all the combos lacked bottom (heyday of the 10" and modern sound I guess). One day I found an old Kustom 2x12 cab - that would have the low end I needed. I could pair it with a Carvin SC2000 guitar head or a GK with built in phaser. Money was tight, so I saved $50 and took the Carvin head with it. Still have it since 1990.


v5 - building

When I started being involved seriously in the bass world again (99?), I heard the Bergantinos, and saw that Ed F (aka Da Founder) liked them. I met Jim Bergantino at a show in 2001 and was sold, though it took me 6 months to work up the cash. Last year I bought a used EX112 to go with my HT thanks to Getz' alert shopping. Once I get some more cash, I'll replace the Carvin head. Before I got the EX, I'd take the Berg and the Kustom out for gigs (which isn't very often). The Kustom has been serving as the sub for my son's home stereo, where it sits today.


v5.1 - used my band's 120W PA head with the HT112 for church and coffee house work.

v5.2 - borrowed various amps from generous friends for gigs.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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  • 3 months later...

Found this thread while looking around, and thought it was great.


* At age 15, my first bass rig was a 70's Fender Bassman 50 silverface head with the old huge Fender 2x15 cab. Gave fifty bucks for it, had it serviced for another thirty bucks, and soon discovered it sounded much better with my Strat and Rat distortion pedal.


Later, I acquired a 70's Bassman 100 and a Fender 4x12 of the exact same demensions as the 2x15 I mentioned above. I combined both amps together for awhile (both heads racked and cabs stacked) and got a pretty groovy, fuzzy "Geezer" kinda tone. It was hell to move around though, leaving much weight/performance ratio to be desired.


* Enter the ever-evolving rack consisting of ::


preamps - Ampeg SVT-IIP (the keeper), Tubeworks Blue Tube, Peavey ProBass 1000, AMP something-or-other


fx - Digitech 256XL, Alesis Midiverb II, ART SGE Mach II, Alesis Micro limiter, Rane 31-band EQ


power amps - Crate SPA200, Ampeg AP-3550 (the keeper)


During my rack-era spanning over something like six years in the early 90's, I went from two Crate 4x10's to one Ampeg 8x10.


So at this point in history, I am euphoric with the SVT-IIP preamp, Ampeg 350w power amp (essentially the power section of the SVT-III Pro), Furman strip, Sabine rack tuner, vintage Electro-Harmonix Bassballs pedal, and an Ampeg 8x10 cab. And then....


* For a short time, I was forced to make-do with a GK 400RB and an Ampeg 4x10 Classic after the burning roof of a club caved in on my rig, as well as an entire stage full of other gear. The fire didn't leave much, except for a pile of crusty speaker baskets where my amp was sitting.

In spite of being completely bitter for a little while (the doctor says I'm much better now :) ), this combination worked very well for alot of road gigs, and the weight/performance ratio proved awesome!


* The 400RB was eventually replaced with an SVT-CL head and another Ampeg Classic 4x10 cab was added.


Recently, I've added an Alesis Nanocompressor, and this little unit was well worth it. I'm not very experienced with compressors except for maybe a pedal or two. I really don't know how I got by without this thing before.


This has been my current gear for almost six years now. I'm sure I've left alot of various things out (pedals, practice combos, ect..) but these are the things that stick out in my mind atm.

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If memory serves (and that's a BIG if):


Heathkit g***ard head and homemede 15" enclosure


Traynor YBA1A head and West 4X12 cab


Fender PS300(?) - a keyboard head with 3 discrete channels powering 2 2X15 cabs and an 8X10... acoustic rock power trio.


Furman parametric pre and BGW 600 watt head with SVT cab


Lab Series head and 2 1X15 cabs


Carvin PB200 head and aforementioned 1X15 cabs


GK800RB head and 1 ACME Low B-2


Demeter 201(old style)/QSC1602/2 Acme Low B2s


All I have left is the 800RB and the Demeter/QSC/ACME cabs - works for me.


There may have been some others in between... but I couldn't swear by it.




Confirmed RoscoeHead

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Originally posted by JBFLA:

Fender PS300(?) - a keyboard head with 3 discrete channels powering 2 2X15 cabs and an 8X10... acoustic rock power trio.

4 15s and 8 10s??? How many speakers did the guitarist have? Just where is the "acoustic" in that rock power trio? ;)


...and how many roadies did you have?

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I have had far too many rigs over the past 25 years to ever possibly remember or count. It is easily over 100 different cabs, combos, power/pre amp setups (and a gazillion fx--pedal and rack mount.) I have three complete rigs now.....one on the block simply because it weighs so damn much, but sounds soooooo good...and have had five different setups this year alone. I guess I don't get too attached to amps and electronics; they are not sacred to me--simply tools.


Before you ask, my setups now are:

Demeter HBP1 tube preamp>Demeter RV1 analog spring reverb>Demeter VTHF300M all tube mono

block power amp>> Bag End D10/Q10/s12 variations;


Avalon U5>Stewart 2.1> Acme B2


D-Tar Solstice pramp>AI Contra>AI Contra EX


and my new "mini-rig": Boss VF1>Stewart 1.2> Acme


My current "gigging" rig is simply either the D-Tar preamp (soon to replaced/augmented by a D-Tar Mama Bear) or a LR Baggs ParaAcoustic DI into the house PA (and actually, this is my favorite rig right now: Bass>DI>house)


And these are all at times augemnted by a simple fx setup usually with a trio of Demeter pedals (Compulator, Fuzzulator, Tremulator) and my trusty custom modded Lexicon JamMan.


That big heavy Demeter Rig is on the block (sadly)


That being said I have had the same Fender P bass for 14 years, a Jazz for 9 and have been playing my Godin A4 for the past 6. Of course, during that time countless other basses have come and gone (maybe I just get attached to the things that really work for me...and I just have not found the "right" amp yet. Now, where did I put Walter Woods' phone #?)



...it's not the arrow, it's the Indian.
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I've had so many rigs that I can't remember. I can tell you the rig I have the fondest memory of:

an SVT 810 cabinet topped with a Traynor tube head. I can't remember the model number of the head, but it weighed a ton and was about 30" wide. I think I have permanent internal organ damage dating back to about 1971 or 1972 from gigging with that amp. It's either that or the large quantities of beer...

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Surprisingly few:


1) Carvin PB 100 combo. This was first amp that I bought after my friend stopped letting me keep one of his guitar amps on permanent loan.


2) GK 800RB + Gross borrowed Peavey 2x10+18 cabinet that I borrowed from someone. Sounded like ass.


3) GK 800RB + Acme Low B2 (4 ohm). Much better. The 800 ran out of headroom on the peaks sometimes, but I could actually hear myself without my rig making nasty farting noises.


4) Demeter VTBP 201, Stewart World 1.2 + the same Acme cabinet. Ahhhh...power. SansAmp BDDI and Bass PODxt Pro on standby for different weird noises as necessary.


5) Acoustic Image Contra. I use this for smaller gigs or when I have to travel long distances on the train without a car. It works.

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Originally posted by cloclo:

i am now on my second rig.

i've been playing for 14 years.

i bought my current rig 10 years ago.

I lost count years ago of every rig and bass I've owned.

I've been playing for 35 years and the rigs I currently use have been with me for about 10 years. What I can say with certainty is that Peavey, SWR and Carvin have never let me down and I'd have no hesitation endorsing any of those 3 brands to anyone.


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My first rig was a Peavey 400 series head with a 2-15 cab. Added a homemade EVM-18 cab to the system a few years later (1978-1986)


Joined a band that had a Peavey Mark 4 head and a 2-15 loaded with EV Forces (which were a bad choice for the cab) sitting in the basement.. Occasionally used my 2-15 along with this on some gigs (1988-89)


Sold everything in 89.. did not play music again until about 4 years ago. Figured I'd go a bit more compact. Found an older Ampeg SVT-3, and designed/built two cabs (Eminence Delta 12LF).

Found out in short order this was not enough SPL's for the job.


Designed and built current speaker rig 4-10" Eminence Legend B102's in twin sealed box, and a 1-18" Dayton in optimum vented box. Better, but came to realization that Ampeg head was not enough power. Sold the Ampeg to the sax player...lol


Currently using a BBE Bmax (solid state) preamp and a Carvin DCM600 amp in bridge mode.

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A few here through the years;


Peavey Basic 60(underpowered & long gone)


SWR Basic Black w/SWR 4 x 8 cabinet(same as above, only much better tone)(gone)


SWR Bass 350 amp, Goliath III 4x10 & an old Eden 18" sub(great tone, but did not cut through)(kept the 4x10)


GK 800RB, Goliath III & an old GK 1 x 15, Injected with a Sansamp BDDI. (My favorite. Had to sell to pay rent & other bills)


Hartke Kickback 12( same as below. Had to sell for car repairs)


Behringer BX 1200 & Sansamp(great for small gigs with Pa assist)


Ashdown Mag 300 & Avatar 2 x 12 w/Sansamp, Carl Martin Compressor & EH Q-Tron(best budget rig deal out there! Still have it.)

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Here's what I'm using now - and for a long time I hope. I still need a bag for the head, but I can basically get it in one trip. I'm happy, and sounding better than ever. I'd say my playing is better, too. I'm playing and practicing more.



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hmmm...this should be fun.


First was a Peavey Microbass.


Second, Fender M-80.


Third, Trace Elliot BLX-80.


Fourth, Mesa 400+ and Peavey 8x10.


Fifth, SWR Super Redhead.


Sixth, Tech21 SansAmp BDDI, Peavey Kosmos, Peavey GPS 900, Avatar 2x12.


Seventh (and current), Tech21 SansAmp BDDI, Ampeg SVP-CL, Peavey GPS 900, Avatar 2x12.

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Davio - "acoustic" was a joke. It started as a late 70's six piece (2 keyboardists, guitar, bass, drums, vocals) prog rock thing - originals and some covers. Yes, ELP, Genesis... ended up as this (minus one keyboardist):



We could be loud, sorta kinda...

And we didn't have roadies, but we did have a full time soundman and lightman.

8 people makes the work load lighten a bit.




Confirmed RoscoeHead

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ArwinH: I am quite sure you would love it....and then to get one yerself!

Actually someone is right now in the process of buying the Demeter VTHF300M off of me. Not really the kind of amp you advertise over at HC or Talkbass: "FS: 300 watt tube mono power amp. $2500.00 firm". I just don't think I would get many serious offers.

It really was the "voice of God" rig, tho'.




...it's not the arrow, it's the Indian.
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There have been several...heres the current line up



72 SVT

WW Ultra

Eden WT 550



CWA 12"s

Goliath III 4 x 10

Bag End 2 x 12



Mesa Scout

Carvin PM 100 15" 100 watt combo

60's B 15

GK MB 150E


I use the Scout often and have been using the CWA/Eden set up at most of the summer shows...



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