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Bad Day!

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I just have to vent here, so please understand. I've been working on a new body for one of my older Charvels and had just got done with the last coat of paint, went into the house to eat while it dried, went back out to the garage and......there to my horor, the body was laying on the floor, paint still tacky, big chunk missing out of the lower bout and upper horn, and the paint trashed!!!! I've been working on this for 5 days, preping, sanding, cleaning, and painting a two color job on this thing and now it's freaking garbage!!!! I'm thinking this is a sign of some kind, telling me it's time to hang it up!!! I'm just frustrated and a little mad at myself for even trying this!!! Sorry to waste some space here, had to get it out.
" I'm only wearing black until they make something darker!"
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Yikes, sorry to hear about that, WBP. It's bad enough when something happens to a stock piece; but something that you're putting your heart into- it's just a shame. Renegade squirrel or cat break in? Any chance of salvaging it- sand it back down again, or fill in the crack with the pieces and/or wood putty?

Wishing you much more success, and an ease of your anger.

"Am I enough of a freak to be worth paying to see?"- Separated Out (Marillion)

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I'm wondering how it fell, too. Did the wind blow it? Do you have an inquisitive cat?


In the meantime, it's not the end of the world. You'll have to sand down the ruined finish and paint it again, that's all.


Good luck. That sucks, man...hope you can work it out.

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I left the garage door open for venting, I'm figuring the wind musta had something to do with it, been pretty breezy these days. I'll have to sand down the whole thing sadly, then work on the chunks. The biggest one is about 2" by 1" and right on the end where the input jack is. The other one is smaller but right on the tip of the horn. Sadly, I can't blame a cat on it, being I don't have one, if I did however, I'd spray paint it, and for sure clear coat it!! Thanks for the support folks, any suggestions on what kind of wood filler I should use for this mishap? I'll let you know how it goes. Take care all.
" I'm only wearing black until they make something darker!"
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I'm not sure how you are holding the body. I've seen "work in progress" where a board (something like a 2x4) is screwed on to the body using the neck bolt holes. then you can do anything you need to with that temporary support board (nail it to the garage rafters?) and work around the body for spraying and drying.


Sorry to hear about the mishap. Hang in there...




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Yep. Be thankful that it wasn't a priceless antique.


Were you already salivatin' playin' this bass on Saturday's gig? That makes it rough.


Sounds like a lemonade moment for me.


(I'm NOT talking about Mike's Hard Lemonade. I AM talking about "When life hands you lemons, make"...well you know.

Yep. I'm the other voice in the head of davebrownbass.
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I say leave the chunks out. It will give the bass more character!!! Just be sure to make up a really cool story.


If you do fix it, I agree with Tom on using the 2x4 in the neck pocket.


I think that nailing it to the rafters would make it too rigid though. Drill a hole in the end near the headstock end, run a rope or chain through that, and hang it from the rafters. This way you will be able to move it around a bit.

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Ken Smith uses some type of metal hanger. He's in a more controlled environment...




I can't find a pic of a body attached to scrap wood - I saw it somewhere.....


Best of luck!



Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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I was using a heavy duty coat hanger wrapped around the rafters and the hook part through one of the neck holes. I'll try the 2X4 bit next time, & NUTT, you made my day, thanks for the laugh. :)
" I'm only wearing black until they make something darker!"
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